(With stolen goods) and Oscar's "pets" Teddy and Clownja and Dino are roaming around. It is Thanksgiving Day, and Homer is watching Macy's Thanksgiving Day parade on TV. Homer: (approaches over to Abe and takes him by the arm) Come on, Dad, let's get out of here. I hope you're happy, Bart! I didn't apologize! Bart decides to get his own Thanksgiving dinner. Marge then goes to the lounge to remind Homer that he has to pick up his Dad. But I’m not familiar with that cartoon. Bart: (begging) Lisa, I beg of you, please forgive me. "You don't even care! Lisa claims that Bart only wants the glue because she does, and when she gives Bart the glue … The Simpson family Thanksgiving is ruined, after Bart feels has been wrongly punished, and decides to run away. It is Thanksgiving and Lisa assembles a decorative centerpiece for the dinner table. Bart: Hey, man, I don't want your stupid glue. No! Written By: George Meyer. She shrieked, as she lunged at him. “That’s Maggie’s contribution.” Lisa sighed. Homer: (amazed) Holy moly! Transcripts Wiki is a FANDOM TV Community. (goes out the front door) Bye! Bart the Daredevil “Ladies and gentlemen, the ten-year old who's brave and bold, when he's not in class, he's risking his ass, the world's greatest daredevil, Bart Simpson!” Announcer in Bart's dream Bart the Daredevil is the eighth episode of Season 2. 1 Plot 2 Cast 3 Trivia 4 Appearances 5 Gags 6 Gallery Lisa makes an elaborate decorative centerpiece for the Thanksgiving dinner table. With my head up the butt hole...” said Oscar. “You have ruined thanksgiving! “Dad get in the car!” said Homer honking his car horn. Homer growled and got up to talk to the air vent that had a pair of eyes blinking inside it. Give me the number for 911! ), https://transcripts.fandom.com/wiki/Bart_vs._Thanksgiving?oldid=186106. Sorry I came back here! Understand? Officer Eddie: Uh, we checked, he's long gone. Lisa: Bart, why did you burn my centerpiece? Simpson fades back, he's got Simpson in the open. Stop trying to kill your sister!” Homer yelled. "Mom it's broken! Chalkboard Gag: I will not do that thing with my tongue. Homer: Well, I'm sure it's a blast once you get used to it. How does she put up with him...” said Selma. (holding a football, as the announcer) A sellout crowd at the Super Bowl... Simpson down by six with two seconds left. Bart: No problemo. Homer arrived at the Springfield Retirement home. Even if we have to pay for it. Mostly to apologize for Bart’s behavior. (to the camera) So every year on one lone, conscience-salving day... we toss these people a bone. [The scene cuts to Bart and Santa's Little Helper walking home in silhouettes as late afternoon turns into night]. I always get blamed for everything. (kisses her on the cheek) Well, it's good to see you. Is there anything you'd like to say to them? I will not sit here while you feed a starving air vent monster! Ooooh, what a hit! (kisses him), [The camera pans down over to Homer watching through the bathroom window]. (he tosses the glue away next to Maggie's bottle), [Maggie is about to reach for the glue bottle, but Lisa quickly grabs it and walks away with it as Maggie follows her behind]. I've hit the jackpot! “He’ll be eating through a tube for the next month Marty!” said Bill. Casey: Yeah, we're rooting for you, guy. Homer: Son, this is a tradition. There is a sickening crunch sound and a guy screaming in agony. [Marge leaves her bedroom and Lisa starts playing on her saxophone again, Marge is now seen standing in front of Bart's door with his toys outside of his bedroom]. ], Bart: (enthusiastically) Whoa! Marty: (confused) What are you talking about, Bill? Lisa: (clears her throat and begins reading) "Howl of the Unappreciated" by Lisa Simpson. Selma: (to Lisa) How long did that take you, honey? Bart ruins thanksgiving and refuses to apologise and runs away. Bill: Wait, what did--? (puts her hand on Lisa's shoulders as she is now seen clacking on her saxophone) Well, when you feel like coming down, we'll be there. [The players and the EMS are now seen standing over the unconscious receiver]. Lisa: (evilly) Yeah, beg me, Bart. Radio Announcer: (voiceover) And now, get set for our fabulous halftime show... featuring the well-groomed young go-getters of Hurray for Everything! Patty and Selma with Jaquine Bouvier. “Honey, you’re getting in the way.” Marge is flustered by Bart poking around the kitchen. Marge is busy in the kitchen preparing a scrumptious Thanksgiving dinner while Homer is on the couch watching the parade and football game. Ooh, would you like some candied yams? Oh, Lord, be honest! Anyway, we'd like to thank you for the occasional moments of peace and love our family's experience. https://simpsonsfanon.fandom.com/wiki/Bart_vs._Thanksgiving?oldid=47588. "Bart vs. Thanksgiving"is an upcomingepisode ofThe Simpsons: Springfield Animalstelevision series.It is a remake of Bart vs. Thanksgiving. Hassle in the Castle (Scooby-Doo, Where Are You! Nurse: (off-screen) Hey, you've gotta be 18 to sell your blood. Clearing the table? 0. My soul carved in slices by spiky-haired demons. Bart: (thinking to himself) Hmm, should I or shouldn't I? In the lounge Oscar and Homer are watching Rocky and Bullwinkle. [The scene cuts to Homer driving to the Springfield Retirement Castle as he mimics Patty and Selma's grunting and then turns on the car radio]. After she explains the can opener is in a left drawer, no the other left... he can't use it properly and thinks it's broken. Selma: When is that boy going to apologize? “I’d love to help Mrs Simpson but last time I stuffed a turkey I lost my wristwatch and got the thing stuck on my head. When Lisa places the centerpiece on the table, she argues with Bart about where it should go since there is no room left for the turkey. You can ask any syndicated advice columnist. It premiered on November 22, 1990. Abe: That's no way to lay a fire! [The scene cuts to the Simpson's at the table in the kitchen with turkey sandwiches on their plates]. Firstly he tries Mr Burns's mansion where Smithers leaves a pie on the window. Bart: Don't worry, boy, we'll get some grub. (closes his eyes and hums, muttering) Looking for the spot. Looks like ol' Bullwinkle's kind of gotten a taste of his own medicine. They arrive at an abandoned house that Oscar is squatting in. Stop watching cartoons and go upstairs and get ready!” Marge nagged. Bart? (notices Kent Brockman from off-screen) Hey, it's that anchor dude from Channel 6. He storms out the house. Smithers: Thank you, sir. Marge: It's in the second drawer from the right. Smithers: It's cooling on the windowsill, sir. [Lisa sets her centerpiece down on the table]. Marge: I've noticed that too. Give me the number for 911! [The scene cuts back to everyone leaving the house]. Marge: (strictly, as she knocks on his door) Bart, you can come down to dinner as soon as you're ready to apologize to your sister. She’s taking out the turkey’s guts. Those silver-and-blue guys are the Dallas Cowboys. Lisa runs off crying and Bart is sent off to his room by an angry Marge, who states he has ruined thanksgiving. “Oh that’s beautiful sweetie! (picks up the cranberry sauce and places it in the refrigerator), [The scene cuts to Maggie wandering into the living room while Homer watches TV, he picks her up and puts her on his knee]. “And I know you Americans like to think big at thanksgiving dinner! It's a tribute to the trail blazing women who made our country great. This reporter smells another local Emmy. [They start fighting over the centerpiece]. “Well I have to go pick up my Dad!” said Homer leaving as he puts on his jacket. After what Bart has done throughout the episode I would not feel sorry for him at all! Jacqueline: I would say something comforting, but you know, my voice. That's the biggest... (pauses) ...one of those I ever saw! Posted on January 10, 2016 January 10, 2016 by qwertyhali. Like Screwy Squirrel.” said Oscar. Marge: (calling, off-screen) Dinner! They are about to have dinner. Bart vs. Thanksgiving Bart vs. Thanksgiving Written by George Meyer Directed by David Silverman Title sequence Blackboard {I will not do that thing / with my tongue.} Lisa screamed bloody murder as her centerpiece was set ablaze. The Simpson family sits down to give thanks along with Grampa, Patty, Selma, and Mrs. Bouvier. (imitates cheering crowd as he lobs a high pass then sprints to the other side of the roof, he skids to a half on the edge of the roof and successfully catches the football) Touchdown, Simpson! Lisa puts her display on the table. Where's the can opener? Announcer: (on TV) Thank you! They smell bad. Homer: (praying out loud) And Lord, we're especially thankful for nuclear power. Homer: This thing's gonna be roaring any time now. "Holidays of Future Passed" Opening with a family Thanksgiving dinner, season 23's "Holidays of … [Bart climbs up the tree and hops onto the roof which is filled with stranded toys, whiffle balls, frisbees, glider planes, etc. “I wonder if they can fit a whole turkey through a tube?” Bart asked. Okay, out you go! The wrong side of the tracks. Homer: All right Bart, that's it! "Bart vs. Thanksgiving" is the seventh episode of The Simpsons' second season. “Fine... but if they call me names I get to retort!” said Homer. I'm sure you haven't heard of her, but she worked her whole life to preserve the Florida Everglades. Jacqueline: At the risk of losing my voice... let me just say one more thing: I'm sorry I came. [Bart hands Rory the money as he and Santa's Little Helper rushes home while waving goodbye], [The scene cuts to Homer and Marge sitting on the couch in the living room while Officer Lou and Officer Eddie file out a report]. “Well Marge. Thanksgiving is something that I don’t know a lot about. Homer: (trying to stay optimistic) Don't worry, Marge will fix everything. Bart Vs Thanksgiving – Episode #020. Lisa: Bart, what are you doing up here? You should see how the Klumps celebrate Thanksgiving!” said Oscar. The intruder appears to be a young male, age 9 to 11. Lisa: (full of rage, as she attacks Bart) BART! Marge: Okay, Lisa, we're ready for your centerpiece. (successfully finds the can opener and tries to work it, but he is unable to get the can opener to work) It's broken, Mom. Your turkey can be a little dry.” said Patty rudely. “How insincere. Krusty burgers. ”I bought myself. Where's your kindling? Go to your room! Marge: Bart, isn't there something you'd like to say to your sister? Upon leaving the shelter, Bart is attacked by two hobos, but Oscar saves him by stabbing them. Everybody's worried! “Ah Maggie. “Just be sure to put it in the fridge when you're done.” said Marge. Whole tables full of food! Looks like they'll be feeding him Thanksgiving dinner through a tube. “Because you’re a bloke so I’m not ashamed to hit you! Well, you saw what happened! “I have to live here you know!” said Grampa raising his voice slightly. Announcer #1: (on TV) Kogen's got Wolodarsky open way down field and it's complete! [The scene cuts to Lisa adding a few touches on her centerpiece with an ultrafine paint brush and gently blows off a few motes of dust], [Maggie is now seen watching the end of the halftime show in the living room, while Santa's Little Helper and Snowball II are seen sleeping next to each other]. I don't know why I did it! They got such a great attitude! It is thanksgiving and the family are getting ready. A bunch of jerks. Mom, it's broken. Patty: Just a few things. [The scene cuts to Homer trying to get a fire started with a set of bellows in the fireplace, but is having a hard time making progress]. (takes the can) Here, let me try. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. "Bart vs. Thanksgiving"is an upcomingepisode ofThe Simpsons: Springfield Animalstelevision series.It is a remake of Bart vs. Thanksgiving. Kent: And how long have you been on the streets? (leaves the kitchen). Understand?” Homer told them off. (runs inside). Everyone: (chanting) It's all your fault! Marge sighs and opens the can for him. Lisa tearfully prays. [Santa's Little Helper gets kicked out of the house and into the yard as the door shuts behind him], [Santa's Little Helper approaches over to Bart]. Supervisor: (to Mrs. Spencer) Ooh, and, uh, Mrs. Spencer, you too. Finally! Oh! Smithers, every year you outstrip yourself in succulence. Because I’m an Aussie and the closest thing we do to thanksgiving is Australian Day, which is quite controversial. Don’t encourage her to do something so dangerous!” said Lisa taking the glue. (pushes through the bushes and looks around until he reaches the pie, only for him to set off the alarm) Uh-oh! Homer you’re a grown man! “And get some Neapolitan ice cream! Then they eat. It originally aired on the Fox network in the United States on November 22, 1990. (kisses her on the cheek) Hi, Selma. Itchy Scratchy Marge “Dear Purveyors of Senseless Violence: I know this may sound silly at first, but I believe that the cartoons you show to our children are influencing their behavior in a negative way. Bart: (flatly, as he enters the house) Hey, everybody, I'm home. Marge: The can is in the cupboard on the bottom shelf. Marge: Homer, this is a terrible thing that's happened, but we can't blame ourselves. “But Dad, this isn’t about Glue! [They dig into their turkey sandwiches as the camera cuts back to the Simpson's house, then the episode ends as the credits start rolling]. Selma: Even a caveman could start a fire. [Bart looks through the window and sees Homer and Santa's Little Helper fighting over a drumstick]. It’s a little to dry!”. However the shelter is on the news, and unknown to Bart, (although he's aware that likely his family are watching) The Simpsons are watching the news. [The whole family laughs right in Bart's face]. She responds that they are crying, much to Bart's evil joy. “Oscar! (to the camera, as he feeds Santa's Little Helper a slice of turkey) Ha-ha! Bart reluctantly agrees and after Lisa joins him on the roof, they have a heart to heart talk before Bart goes inside. Don't! The definitive Thanksgiving episode – and one of only two that The Simpsons has done – is Bart vs. Thanksgiving, where Bart learns the meaning of the holiday, remorse and forgiveness after getting into a fight with his family and running away from home. Sit down!” Marge scolded Homer. [Bart climbs out of the window, then down his treehouse and lands on the flowers], Bart: (sees that the flowers have been crushed) Uh-oh. “I’d talk Marge but, I have laryngitis...” Grandma Jacqueline explained in a husky tone with a sore throat. Mr. Burns: Mmm, delicious! He uses the air pipe to talk to her via the air vents. The house is surprisingly well furnished. Bart: (giving in) Okay, okay. She went into the living room where Homer was watching TV and Bart was trying to suffocate Lisa with a cushion! Marge: Now we can blame him for everything! Drop that drumstick! Patty: It's just that some people find your turkey a little dry. Patty coughed as she nodded in agreement while smoking a cigarette. “Watching the Macy’s parade! (picks up a magic marker) As one of the Simpson women, would you like to contribute something to it? (hugs him) I'm sorry we had such a terrible fight. It's about territoriality. “Hmmmmm! She then admits that perhaps it was both their fault and that she knows Bart feels bad deep down. Uncle Sam: It's your fault America has lost its way. Bart Vs. Thanksgiving. Abe was taking too long to leave. Bart: Yes, there is, Kent. 1 Plot 2 Trivia 3 Appearances 4 Gags Lisa makes an elaborate decorative centerpiece for the Thanksgiving dinner table. Lisa: Maggie! “No fighting or I’ll take the glue away and nobody will be able to glue anything! Bad dog! [The scene cuts to the family watching TV in the living room]. Homer: (praying out loud) O Lord, on this blessed day, we thank thee for giving us one more crack at togetherness. [The scene cuts back to Bart laying down on the ground as Santa's Little Helper approaches to him and whimpers]. This was one of the many episodes of season 2 that were very sad. 80s plot trope of ruined holidays continue in the 90s with this Thanksgiving episode featuring America's favorite family. Go to your room!” Homer shouted. He decides he won't go in. “It has bits of fruit in it!”. [The scene cuts to Bart and Santa's Little Helper walking together, Bart's stomach growls in hunger as Santa's Little Helper growls at it, they arrive on the other side of Springfield as they cross the railroad tracks while hearing a gun firing, a woman screaming and sirens wailing in the distance]. (chuckles, as he revs the electric knife), Bart: Well, it's taking up valuable real estate. Homer is in there watching football with Maggie. Kent Brockman: (to the transient) Wait, I'm going somewhere with this. He's down at the rescue mission! "I saw the best meals--", [The family gathers around the TV to watch Bart being interviewed by Kent]. [Kent Brockman is seen doing a live news report]. [At the same time, a Bart Simpson balloon shows up on the television], [The scene cuts to Maggie making a dangerous trek up the stairs as she dodges Bart's skateboard, frayed electrical wires and a mini garden rake in her way until she enters Lisa's room and Lisa notices her as Maggie walks over to her]. Announcer #2: (on TV) Oh, yeah, he's out cold, Gil. Here’s the pilgrims... the native Americans...” said Lisa. They wear ragged clothes. (gets up from her seat and walks upstairs). If I'm not back at the home by 9:00p.m., they declare me legally dead and collect my insurance! [They head off as Bart is seen walking on a brick wall, then through a storm culvert, and then to Bart and Santa's Little Helper standing in front of Mr. Burns' manor on the corner of Croesus Drive and Mammon Lane], [The scene cuts to Mr. Burns cutting up a piece of turkey and eats it]. Marge: (gasps, impressed) Lisa, my goodness. I'm sure Bart will be back. "Bart vs. Thanksgiving" is the banned episode ofSeason 2. Homer slugged him. Directed by David Silverman. Doo dah! “And Marie Curie for some reason. Then he gives blood to get a coupon for dinner for blood donators only. Homer: (off-screen) Hey, what are you doing?! He plays with them until he hears Lisa crying. “Happy Thanksgiving earthlings!” said Kang. Homer vs. Lisa and the 8th Commandment “I have an announcement to make: The Simpsons have cable!” Homer Simpson Homer vs. Lisa and the Eighth Commandment is the thirteenth episode of Season 2. Marge: Just stick it in the refrigerator when you're done, Bart. You don't even care! But it is during dinner that Oscar gets in trouble. (imitates cheering crowd again) The boy nobody wanted just won the Super Bowl! “And here is Bullwinkle J Moose.” said a voice over. “Now that’s just stupid!” Homer scolds him for being stupid. Dispose of all this. “Well... um... I’m sure it’s a blast when you get used to it...” said Homer as Abe got in the car. “Why is Stewie Griffin fighting that superhero dog balloon?” Oscar asked as Stewie and Underdog as balloons crashed into each other over a big inflatable bottle of Coca Cola. Let's see some I.D. Bart: (furiously) Apologize? “And I bought my famous trout Allimond!” said Patty. And I don't know why I'll do it again! Announcer: In the Silverdome, now ablaze with flashbulbs... as Hurray For Everything leaves the field! “Because this place sucks the life out of ya! Bart ate only the chocolate again...” said Marge. Sorry. He can't find his coupon so he messes up his hair and clothes and pretends to be homeless to get free food at the shelter. The Simpsons: Season: 2 Episode: 7 'Bart vs. Thanksgiving' is the seventh episode of the second season of The Simpsons and the twentieth episode overall. It was part of the second season and first aired on November 22, 1990. In the episode, Bart runs away from home after destroying a centerpiece that Lisa makes for the Thanksgiving dinner table. ”Jim take your heart pills! Would you like to contribute something to it?”, “Has anyone seen Maggie?” Marge called desperate to find Maggie. Maggie then escaped from her high chair. Marge: Now just a minute, I'm sure there's room for both. My sweet, little Bart! With Dan Castellaneta, Julie Kavner, Nancy Cartwright, Yeardley Smith. Marge: (scolding) No, no, no! Lisa: Mom, I poured my heart into that centerpiece! Announcer #1: (on TV) Oh, yes, sir. It's all your fault! Bart: (into the pipe) Hey, Lis! Homer: Bad Santa's Helper. You've ruined Thanksgiving! ”Why you disrespectful little! Dinner! They're Daddy's favorite team. “Now there’s something for everyone to eat!”. Bill: Boy, now I know how the Pilgrims felt. Marge: Yes, you do! But um why is your brother at the first thanksgiving?” Marge asked. [The homeless citizens are now seen leaving the rescue center], [The chef closes the doors and the homeless citizens are now seen getting into their positions for the night]. Lisa: (angrily, yelling) Bart, you're wrecking it! Bart: Yeah, there's this family I kinda hang out with. I just cooked a turkey with all the trimmings!” said Marge annoyed. [The receiver is now seen lying flat on his back, unconscious]. Homer: See, Maggie? “Can we come too?” Jasper and crazy old Jewish guy asked. “Because if they had a balloon of every character you liked the Macy’s parade would turn into a farce....” said Bart getting up to go somewhere that he didn’t notice a Bart Simpson balloon in the Macy’s parade. Marge: Bart? Bart: (peers through the hedges, eyeing the pie on the window sill) Mmm! The Simpson family sits down to give thanks along with Grampa, Patty, Selma, and Marge's mother. “I bought Swedish meatballs.” said Selma. (to Bart) You got someplace to sleep tonight, Bart? Lisa: (stops playing, sniffling) That's alright. “Eeeeeugh!” Bart groaned as he did not like Aunt Patty’s cooking. Bart: Okay, I'll take some white meat and some stuffing to go and send in the pumpkin pie in about 20 minutes. She explains everyone has gone home. “And James!” said Erik Nikolas. Posted by tvshowfanatic12. Bart deserves to be punished after all the grief he's caused his family. Episode Viewers and Ratings. "The Simpsons" Bart vs. Thanksgiving (TV Episode 1990) cast and crew credits, including actors, actresses, directors, writers and more. Bart asks how are mom and dad. Patty: I don't know how she puts up with him? Bart: (through the vent) Shh! Lisa: I couldn't tell you how many hours. Bart vs. Thanksgiving is the Thanksgiving episode of The Simpsons. You don't even care!!!!!". Bart eagerly joins in. Come on, give me that. Try to calm down!” Marge gave him his medicine. You can also buy, rent The Simpsons on demand at Disney+, Amazon, Vudu, Microsoft Movies & TV, Google Play, Apple TV online. He only wants the glue because I'm using it. “I know Bart is naughty sometimes and hey I bring out the worst in him! Are we the most pathetic family in the universe or what?! (walks over to the door), [Patty and Selma enter while carrying armloads of covered dishes]. (to Casey) Would you? (opens the can and hands it back to Bart) Here you go. That's very impressive. 'Bart vs. Thanksgiving' is the seventh episode of the second season of The Simpsons and the twentieth episode overall. (points to her paper-Mache women on her centerpiece) See, there's Georgia O'Keeffe, Susan B. Anthony... and this is Marjory Stoneman Douglas. Lisa: It's not yours, Bart! Selma: Mm-hmm, and if they want an option, they'll have it. I miss him so much already that I don't know.... (she begins to weep), [The scene cuts to Bart sitting on the roof, lackadaisically tossing a glider in loops when he hears Lisa crying through the ventilation pipe]. And that's supposed to make it all better. Oh, this is so stupid. Homer: (angrily) Alright, Bart, that's it! Oscars Best Picture Winners Best Picture Winners Golden Globes Emmys San Diego Comic-Con New York Comic-Con Sundance Film Festival Toronto Int'l Film … Family tradition!” said Bart turning the TV over to the Macey’s balloon parade. [Bart and Santa's Little Helper stop at the Springfield Plasma Center], Bart: Twelve bucks! Can you do the cranberry sauce? Mr. Burns: (hangs up the phone, to Smithers) Release the hounds. Bart: Well, I know it wouldn't hurt them to use some cartoons made in the last 50 years. Please try to tone down the psychotic violence in your otherwise fine programming. Their relatives arrive. At Springfield General Hospital Captain McCallister in bed with severe injuries and in bandages calls the feeding tube for a thanksgiving turkey. We'd like to sweep these people into the gutter, or if they're already in the gutter, to some other out-of-the-way place. Casey: Oh, yeah, he's doing one of those be-thankful-for-what-you-got stories. Bart: (finds some money in his pocket and holds it out) Uh, listen, guys, I was thinking, um, unless you feel weird about taking money from a kid, I thought maybe.... Rory: I wouldn't feel weird. Marge: (remorsefully) And I said he ruined Thanksgiving. I hope you're happy, Bart! (runs off), [The scene cuts to the basement and a security guard who was seen reading "Les Misérables" with his co-worker hears the alarm going off, scramble to their battle station, through the camera, they see Bart]. “Just for that you don’t get any fish heads tonight!”, Oscar got up to speak to the air vent after Homer sat down. Lisa is in there building a diorama of the first thanksgiving. “Looks like Bullwinkle’s antlers have sprung a leak!” said Marty. Well, not today. Driveway Homer says nothing when Lisa scoots past. They think they can starve an apology out of me?