DO remove birdfeeders and bird food from late March through November. ©The Connecticut Mirror. Despite trapping and placement efforts by CT DEEP, and with no natural predator, the bear population in Connecticut is steadily increasing. If a bear visits a bird feeder in winter, remove the feeder. Odor from carelessly stored food and garbage can lure bears long distances. Weight: Males, normally 150-450 lbs. In wilderness settings bears usually avoid people. Adults are 5 to 6 feet long. COVID-19: Stay up-to-date on COVID-19 and Connecticut's vaccination program. Store livestock food in airtight containers. Ear tag color indicates the year the bear was tagged. Females give birth while denned, usually in January. In 2019, there were approximately 7,300 bear sightings across the … The Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) estimates there are between 300 and 500 black bears in the state, and that the bear population is growing annually by between 10% and 20%. As bears become more regular residents of Connecticut towns, it is important that people learn to adapt to the presence of bears and take measures to avoid damage and problems. Make more noise, wave your arms, and throw objects at the bear. Some of the features on will not function properly with out javascript enabled. In 2019, approximately 7,300 bear sightings from 150 of Connecticut’s 169 towns were reported to the DEEP Wildlife Division. Black bear attacks on humans are exceptionally rare. Habitat: Mixed deciduous-coniferous forests with mast-producing overstories and understories, marshes, and thickets. 1 of 63. Agile climber. Bears rarely harm cats or dogs. Wait until the morning of collection before bringing out trash. Bear activity increases in early spring, and many residents are reporting bear sightings in West Hartford. 5/09), © Add a few capfuls of ammonia to trash bags and garbage cans to mask food odors. Black Bear Population Increase Hits Connecticut - Brookfield, CT - Safety tips for going out in the woods. Actually, every bear receives two ear tags (one in each ear) the first time it is handled by DEEP, regardless of why it was tagged. When visiting areas where bears are more common, hike in groups and make your presence known by talking or singing. It is safe to enjoy the outdoors regardless of what region of the state you live in or are visiting. Black bears are not classified as true hibernators but their body temperature is lowered and heart rate slowed during winter denning. These are large and powerful animals with a stocky build and short thick legs. Listening to some talk, the state of Connecticut has a huge problem with a growing bear population in the state. People should learn what to do if they see a bear and how to avoid unnecessary conflicts by keeping food away from bears. Bears are most active at night. It is difficult for a wild bear that roams in the forest for all its life to suddenly adapt to a small enclosure at a zoo or sanctuary. In 2018, there was approximately 9,200 reputed bear sightings in 153 of Connecticut’s 169 municipalities. According to DEEP, the state's bear population continues to grow and expand. Do you need additional help and advice concerning nuisance wildlife? Connecticut has a healthy and increasing bear population with the highest concentration in the northwest region of the state. DO eliminate food attractants by placing garbage cans inside a garage or shed. Hike in groups. Denning bears do not eat, drink, urinate, or defecate. Bears spend time in neighborhoods because food sources are abundant and easy to access (birdfeeders, garbage, open compost, grills, etc.) Black Bear Webinar: Learn about black bears and black bear management with DEEP Wildlife Division Biologist Paul Rego. The black bear is an intelligent animal with keen senses of smell and hearing. Lime can be sprinkled on the compost pile to reduce the smell and discourage bears. The rapid increase in the bear population between the 1980s and early 2000s is expected to continue. If the bear is aware of you and does not flee, talk to the bear in a calm voice and back away slowly. Keep small children close by and on trails. Body Characteristics: Stocky, with short, thick legs. Additionally, adult female proportions in the female harvest can comprise over 55% of the female harvest. Much of Connecticut’s landscape is now forested and is suitable for black bears. Most dens are lined with leaves, grass, or rotted wood. The age when sows first produce cubs is related to the available food supply, but most begin to reproduce at age 3 or 4 and continue to have young every 2 years. It is the smallest North American bear. If the bear approaches, be offensive. DEEP Tranquilizing Teams, consisting of Environmental Conservation Police officers and wildlife biologists, are trained and equipped to immobilize wildlife. How Can I Protect Myself from Black Bears While Camping? Try to stay calm as you make your retreat. By Mike Evans, PhD, University of Connecticut Department of Natural Resources and the Environment Connecticut is bear country. Remove bird feeders from late March through November. If you have seen a bear, you can report it to the Wildlife Division by using the link to the left. They can even cause damage by breaking into outbuildings and homes in search of food. Data collected from collars provide biologists with important information about the growth, movements, and health of Connecticut’s bear population. Encourage your neighbors to take similar precautions. Connecticut has a healthy and increasing bear population with the highest concentration in the northwest region of the state. Connecticut Population: Increasing. Cubs remain with the female for 1 1/2 years. If you are attacked, do not play dead. But the environment committee decided to hold off. The state is believed to have an estimated total Black Bear population of around 800 to 1,000 bears and growing with the most bears per square mile in the northwest part of the state. Climatic factors, such as drought, may result in a food shortage, causing bears to travel many miles in search of food. Bears occasionally will prey on small mammals, deer, and livestock. The mere presence of a bear does not necessitate its removal. If you live in an area with bears, it is best to avoid bird feeders altogether. Stay away from the bear and advise others to do the same. 1. limit the hunting of black bear in the first year to a rate that does not exceed 5% of the state ' s total black bear population as of October 1, 2017;. Keep your camp site clean! COVID-19: Stay up-to-date on COVID-19 and Connecticut's vaccination program. DON'T cook food near your tent or store food inside your tent. Senses: Exceptional hearing and smell. If you see a bear, enjoy it from a distance. Bear tracks somewhat resemble human tracks, but the front feet are shorter than the rear. It seems that JavaScript is not working in your browser. Black Bear Do’s and Don’ts. (Propane cylinders should be stored outside.) In the past year, Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection said between Jan. 20, 2016 and Jan. 1, 2017 there were 600 bear sightings in … Proportion of adult males in the harvest can be low, even below 25%, with total female harvest rates going over 40%. People should learn what to do if they see a bear and how to avoid unnecessary conflicts by keeping food away from bears. Often a bear will climb a tree to avoid people. Black bears are large - They have erect, rounded ears; a long, narrow, brown muzzle; and a short tail. Livestock can be protected with electric fencing or by moving them into a secure building at night. If you see a bear on your property you can either leave the bear alone and wait for it to leave or make loud noises from a safe distance to attempt to scare the bear away. In 1997, the DEP received about 100 calls reporting bear sightings; in 2007, it received 2,000. Bear sightings reported by the public provide valuable information to assist the DEEP in monitoring changes in the black bear population. It is illegal to hunt or trap bears in Connecticut. But numbers don't lie. Learn how you can bring wildlife to your yard with native landscaping. The mere presence of a bear does not necessitate its removal. Relocation of Bears to other States: Black bears cannot be relocated to other states, including larger western states like Montana or Colorado, because other states will not accept any bears, especially problem bears. In most cases, if left alone, the bear will make its way to a more natural habitat. The remaining 25 percent of the funding is matched by the Connecticut Wildlife Division. Do not put meats or sweet-smelling fruit rinds in compost piles. Black bears are generally shy and secretive and usually fearful of humans. Store livestock and pet foods in airtight containers and clean up any spilled feed. The DEEP seldom relocates bears. Bird feeders and other bird food will attract bears closer to homes and humans. According to, in 2019 there were approximately 7,300 bear sightings in 150 of Connecticut’s 169 towns. The last digit indicates the year, while the first 2 numbers indicate the sequence in which it was caught. Bears tagged in New York, Massachusetts, and even Pennsylvania have shown up in Connecticut. Hawley explained that the signs of a growing bear population in Connecticut are obvious. Relocated bears seldom remain where they are released. However, be sure you are not doing anything to attract the bear to your yard. Instead, keep your food in a vehicle or use a rope to suspend it 10 or more feet off the ground and at least 6 feet away from tree trunks. Both you and your neighbors need to take steps to make yards and neighborhoods less attractive to bears, mainly by removing any food sources. Bears that associate food with people may become aggressive and dangerous. This was a bit hyperbolic, since after 800 the next level in an exponential series is 800 times 800 -- 640,000 -- and the bear population will not be increasing that quickly. Bears occasionally attack livestock (chickens, goats, etc.) However, glimpsing a bear in Connecticut was once unlikely because bears were extirpated from the state by the mid-1800s. Breeding occurs during summer, usually in late June or early July. However, they will usually wake up if disturbed during their winter dormancy. However, the department may attempt to remove bears from urban locations when there is little likelihood that they will leave on their own and when they are in positions where darting is feasible. DON'T  run or climb a tree. If you surprise a bear at close range, walk away slowly while facing the bear. Relocation of Bears in Connecticut: Although heavily forested, Connecticut is a highly developed state. A typical Connecticut male black bear (boar) will weigh 150 to 450 lbs. Below is a listing of bear reports received over the past year. If you see a bear when hiking or camping, make your presence known by making noise and waving your arms. Conn. (WTNH) — There had been some buzz about a bear hunting bill at the state capitol. Reports of bear sightings have been on the rise in Connecticut for several years. Aversive conditioning is a technique that uses negative stimuli (i.e., shooting with rubber bullets or paintballs, pepper spray, loud noises, etc.) Fight back with anything available. DO  be offensive if the bear approaches you. Black bears travel and feed primarily at night, but can be active any time of the day. © Occasionally preys on small mammals, rarely deer and livestock. Do not cook near your tent and do not store food inside your tent. Locomotion: Plantigrade (walks on whole foot). What Should I Do if I Encounter a Bear While Out in the Woods or on a Trail? Bears cannot be relocated to another state because no other state allows it. They are concentrated in the northwestern portion of the state, but as open space becomes more scarce, they are moving into more populated areas. Cubs weigh 6 to 12 ounces at birth. What Should I Do if I See a Black Bear in My Yard? to cause pain, avoidance, or irritation in an animal engaged in an unwanted behavior. Black bears are becoming increasingly common in Connecticut as the population continues to grow and expand. Young are born in the den during January or February and are blind, toothless, and covered with fine hair. Beehives also can be protected with electric fencing or with reinforced wire and metal strapping. DO make your presence known by making noise while hiking. Always be aware of your surroundings and if you happen to encounter a bear, follow the advice offered in the next question. DON'T approach or try to get close to a bear to get a photo or video. Thoroughly clean grills after use or store in a garage or shed. Never store food in a tent. There is sometimes a small, white patch on the chest. For example, a bear with green tags was handled in 2019, and one with orange tags was handled in 2018, regardless of age, gender, or reason for tagging. Bears that become accustomed to finding food near your home may become "problem" bears. Yet with protection and the regrowth of a clear cut Connecticut, the herd rebounded and recovered strongly with a current population estimated at 90,000 animals.., The primary contributing factor to bear nuisance problems is the presence of easily-accessible food sources near homes and businesses. Aggression by bears towards humans is exceptionally rare. Females tend to remain in the den for a longer period of time than males. In most situations, if left alone and given an avenue for escape, the bear will usually wander back into more secluded areas. Black bears will sometimes "bluff charge" to within a few feet of you when they feel threatened. DEEP COVID-19 Response, View a map of current black bear sightings in Connecticut, Tips for Living with Black Bears - There's No Free Lunch - Managing Food, Garbage, and Other Attractants (video), Tips for Living with Black Bears - Share the Woods - How to React if You Encounter a Black Bear Outdoors (video). The bear population in Connecticut was nonexistent by the mid-1800s thanks to aggressive hunting and widespread deforestation to make room for farmland. Do not climb a tree because black bears are excellent tree climbers. Also seeks insects (ants, bees), scavenges carrion, and raids garbage cans and bird feeders. ; yearlings, 45 -100 lbs. Hawley explained that the signs of a growing bear population in Connecticut are obvious. Mature forests provide soft and hard mast (e.g., acorns) in late summer and fall. However, if you are attacked, do not play dead. 1. limit the hunting of black bear in the first year to a rate that does not exceed 5% of the state ' s total black bear population as of October 1, 2017;. Since then, bears have made a comeback. Make more noise, wave your arms, and throw objects at the bear. However, at campsites and campgrounds bears can be attracted by poorly stored food and garbage. The best way to control the population is through hunting, a decision that will be left up to lawmakers. Bears that are attracted to human-associated food sources may lose their fear of people. What Is Aversive Conditioning and Why Is It Used for Bears? Check out and select "Connecticut" as your state to get started. Bears are attracted by bird feeders, garbage, outdoor pet food, compost piles, fruit trees, and berry-producing shrubs. With the state now spending a quarter of a million dollars annualy responding to concerns about the exploding black bear population, environmental officials are considering proposing a regular bear-hunting season for the first time in the state. Bear Population Growing In Connecticut, Hunting Season Considered. If your dog is hiking with you, it is imperative that you keep the dog on a SHORT leash and DO NOT let it roam free – this is for the safety of your dog, yourself, and wildlife. DEEP doesn't track bear attacks, but said there hasn't been one in recent memory. Attacks on horses and cattle are less common. A bear’s tail is short, from 3 to 5 inches long. Reforestation of the state was the major factor allowing for the reintroduction and expansion of the bear population, and that expansion is expected to continue. Most tagged bears have not been caught as problem bears, but rather as part of a project to research the state’s bear population. DO back away slowly if you surprise a bear nearby. Black Bears are found throughout most of Connecticut. (Article from the Jan/Feb 2020 issue of Connecticut Wildlife Magazine). Submitted. Officials have estimated that approximately 700 black bears call Connecticut home, with that population growing approximately 10 percent annually. Bears Use a Familiar Strategy During Cold Winter Months A bear with a collar will also have ear tags. They will readily use these food sources and revisit the same location over and over again. … These are large and powerful animals with a stocky build and short thick legs. Black bear habitat is forestland, usually with deciduous and coniferous trees, as well as streams, swamps, and rock ledges. “These steps are increasingly important because Connecticut’s bear population continues to grow and expand and bear activity increases in early spring,” DEEP said in a release. Each colored tag has a 3-digit number code. A roaming dog might be perceived as a threat to a bear or its cubs. Never intentionally feed bears. Coordination and cooperation with officials on the scene and local police officials is a key, critical ingredient in educating the public and assuring a safe, desirable outcome in such a situation. However, they will go after pet rabbits in outdoor hutches. Since then, annual sighting reports have increased dramatically, indicating a rapid increase in the bear population. Black bears are impressive animals. In Connecticut, adult males, or boars, normally weigh from 150 to 450 pounds, while females, or sows, weigh from 110 to 250 pounds. Yes! The black bear's coat is typically glossy black or brownish black, except for the muzzle, which is tan. Some of the features on will not function properly with out javascript enabled. The best way to control the population is through hunting, a decision that will be left up to lawmakers. Bears may attack sheep, goats, pigs, fowl, and llamas. Many homes are in or near bear habitat. Relocation of Bears to Zoos or Sanctuaries: The Connecticut DEEP does not take wild animals that have become unresolvable human safety issues into captivity. Bears that are frequently fed, either intentionally or unintentionally through birdfeeders or garbage, may become habituated and lose their fear of people. : stocky, with that population growing in Connecticut, but are solitary in the corner! 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