Listening 71 Here’s what I would do: 1. Common synonyms that start with D with examples. Balayage. You can’t eat or even drink water during this time, and any stretches or excessive movement you make could put you under suspicion of cheating. I have my exam this coming Wednesday on 12th October.. I have done my PTE exam 4 times with not hitting my required score of 79. Then I did pte academic on last week and my results are unbelievably law. I did my IELTS in OCT 2017 and my score was 5.5 in Reading, Writing, Listening and 6 in speaking. Speaking I am getting 90 all the time but the other 3 sections is what i screw up. The E2 Team, I have given my PTE exam yesterday and i got below score : Your brain activity is at its peak in the early morning, and around lunchtime it declines rapidly along with your body temperature, making you sleepy and less responsive and productive. Hi, thank you for the suggestions. As you can probably guess, it’s important to know these words for you to use in writing and speaking. Next month! Here are some examples to make that clearer: These synonyms are synonyms in their purest form. Synonym definition: a synonym is a word or a phrase that means exactly or nearly the same thing as another word or phrase in English. A lot of the reason why people find it hard to switch from IELTS to PTE is because of the format switch and a lack of understanding about how it works. Hi, I am following your blog since 2 weeks. v) Is ‘Summarize Spoken Text’ part connected with writing section marking rather than only listening? I have took pte exam lastmonth which i got overall score 45. It was going okay until other people started speaking, and then I was completely thrown off. Mock tests are useful WHEN you know what you are doing. Group activities increase logic, critical thinking and problem solving abilities. PTE Speaking Help Video No. Overall: 60 I’ve got low mark in speaking but high scores in writing and listening and a fairly average mark on reading. I just want to share some of my observations as well. I know you’re smart. that much. Anything else you can suggest, please let me know directly so we can expedite my prep which I’m officially starting today in hope of giving the exam a month from now. I am unable to understand, what could have gone wrong in speaking so much. Good luck, I hope it goes well next time! Required fields are marked *. When I wrote the PTE for the first time, I was the first to begin the speaking section. You can request to join the group in Facebook and our moderator will approve your request. Am really hoping and praying that it does not cause a massive damage to my speaking score. My brain did something called “sensitization”. Very less Indians are good in speaking in general. Dec 12, 2012. I find this very helpful. Let’s take a look at some examples: These synonyms mean the same thing, but only based on the context in which they are used. L-66 , R-72, S-85, W-66 If not you can do so here:, You can also talk to a teacher through our “whiteboard” feature and ask them specific questions about what your difficulties are! I do not think so this is true. Heheh They often suggest to students the best package that most suits their needs! I just want to thank your team’s help on making me pass my PTE-A 1st time. Please what is your suggestion. Besides, the fact that I couldn’t get many points in Re-tell Lecture section influenced my fluency. I really wanted to pass the pte exam so that i can work in Australia as a nurse. Thanks. Though I am fed up with my result, but I am not giving up. I totally understand why you’re looking for tips! List of synonyms that start with O with examples. Does the comma go before or after but? Hi Navdeep, that’s great! When you are using them as your only means of preparation, they are a complete waste of your time. iv) Is ‘Answer Short Questions’ part connected with listening section marking rather than only speaking? Please share them in detail: Your score breakdown, your goal, and your next exam date: Yes, that’s right. 2. As my writing is terrible and I sometimes fail to understand my own hand writing. Learn 60+ common synonyms with American English pronunciation. Also, I have a very short term memory and I could not repeat the sentence as exactly as I hear it, especially those which are long ones. Message the team here: (share your test, detailed scores, and next exam date), I want to enroll with E2 language,,, what is the procedure and details? Could you please guide me on the areas which require improvement. Moreover, I was a regular average scorer in my school days and my English is also not so well. I have to dispel this myth. I need each 8 or equivalent in pte. I don’t need the literature at present. Best of luck with your preparation, we are thrilled to have you with us! ( Just share with them your past scores and goal! Especially if you have a good grasp of the topic which will really help for the words to flow. Active learning keeps children from daydreaming and dozing off. thanks, Hi Ali I think Pearson’s mentality is that if they allow that provision to one person, it’s unfair to the rest. If you are a paid member of E2Language, you’ll get a free post-test follow-up with a teacher to make a plan of action and determine where to focus your improvement efforts! If you are confident in your pronunciation and oral fluency the PTE may be right for you! If you are interested in signing up as a paid student with us we can suggest you a package and look at your detailed scores. Enabling skills scores – Grammar: 90, Spelling: 90, Written discourse: 90, Vocabulary: 86, Pronunciation: 43 and Oral fluency: 61. I’m not 100% sure that it’s a great idea to study for both tests at the same time because they are so different and it might get quite confusing! Even reading your writing I can improve mine. Jay and I took our first PTE at 12 pm after eating lunch and I’m pretty sure I almost dozed off by the time I got to the listening section! If you decide not to switch to IELTS, check out these resources to help you with your Speaking and Reading scores: 1. It will be frustrating at first, but you will notice a difference in how you handle distractions. List of synonyms that start with W,Y with examples. Just add one point for your second bullet of secret #2 regarding sensitisation and habituation. Thank you again guys. In listening, maybe because of the complexity, I was taking too long on questions and could manage to complete only 13 out of 17 questions – which meant I missed out on ‘Write from dictation’ and possibly one highlight incorrect words. 🙂. It remains confidential with them and we would not be able to provide any further information other than what you have read 🙁. Hope I can crack it with a high score! Could anyone please send me PTE material for preparation, i only have 1 week time to prepare and i struggle a lot in speaking. I have never heard anyone got each 8 in ielts .Anyway, do you have a course for ielts general. Listening:46. because,in the instructions in speaking section tells us if u stop more than 3seconds we will get zero marks the best site to practice English. iii) Is ‘Retell Lecture’ part connected with listening section marking rather than only speaking? My reading and writing skill is very weak please improve my vocabulary and writing skill. In ielts, i hv issue only with writing. Hi there could you contact us here: Hi my name is Cheng. I would focus on PTE first, then study of IELTS after if you feel PTE didn’t go as well as you hoped. Hello e2Language team! Especially for the fill in the blanks. I had my PTE Academic test last 03-October. I took my PTE exams yesterday and this is my second attempt. In fact, I’m preparing to sign up for your course today mate. 2. You must sit in a cramped cubicle for over 3 hours with the deafening sounds of other voices and frantically tapping keyboards surrounding you. Please email [email protected] with your questions so that the Duty Tutor can assist you. My speaking is natural in front of a person than in front of a computer. You can raise your concern by clicking on this link. HAPPY STUDYING, Please give me some advice because i am losing now my patient on this. Today I get my PTE result which is, in fact, disgusting news for me. I am desperate now what to do. Please send across your recent test scores, the scores you are looking to achieve and your next test date to [email protected] so that we can identify the right package for you. ), The breakdown of marks is confidential and only Pearson is aware of this 🙂. Common PTE Speaking Mistakes See more. Learn synonyms list that starts with J with examples. i) Is ‘Read Aloud’ part connected with reading section marking rather than only speaking? I appreciate your work on PTE-Exam-Secrets was best post. Possibly affected my writing score. Common Synonyms List in English | Synonym Image 1, Useful Synonyms List in English | Synonym Image 2. It’s a race against time and my result right now is giving me the jitters – moreover, the test is not cheap and paying $200+ for each attempt can drive people nuts. It’s obviously more suited to you and you already have a good sense of the format. You can click here to set one up: Would you like to receive a free PTE study timetable and an online course recommendation from E2Language? Written discourse – 70, I would like to redo the test again. How can i boost my confidence? I really do not understand what the written discourse means. Thanks a lot! Will keep you posted. I had scored 49 and 47 respectively in first attempt. An E2Language tutor will get back to you within 24 hours with information and answers to your questions! Switching tests may not be the answer. I’m very nervous though.. I really do appreciate your tips, particularly start practicing in the noisy environment, make sense:) where is the form link? Since we have already looked at antonyms, it’s also good for you to understand what exactly synonyms are. Your mastery of vocabulary will help as well so you can understand the statements faster. Can you please help me or suggest some coaching in order to achieve my desired score. Visit the E2 IELTS YouTube channel and watch some of our methods webinars to get a sense of how you will need to practice and prepare for IELTS. I’m so sorry to hear that! Not only do you need to prove your proficiency, you need to prove your skills and strengths in a language that is not your own. My vocabulary scores are lagging behind even when I have made a conscious effort to use “good” words. Can you please suggest me something. totally opposite..I have also booked a pte test again for 15Feb as difficult to get a test date if I do it. I’m Srujan, preparing for the PTE academic. or much time one should devote to obtain 79 each ? Anyone suggest me the way to complete this. Please share your tips with me because I am also a PTE student. Share your exam experience and preparation stories Jaskiran!! however, despite 2 PTE attempts, I couldn’t get 79 on my writing. Which definition, what one? Please help! I did some mistakes in writing dictation and repeat sentences. Along the same lines as training your brain to tune out chaos, you can try a nifty trick I learned back when I worked in a neuroscience lab. 4. Please guide at earliest. It will make you sound like a native speaker. Hello Kaya, Should I switch over to PTE? or did you get back to IELTS for fulfilling your required score ? Subscribe to our YouTube channel so you can keep up to date on new PTE tips videos like this one. We would love to help you! Last weekend, I took my first scored practice test (version A) from Pearson’s PTE official site and scored 90 (with only Spelling scored at 81, and so Writing came down to 89). Because, my test date is 12 august. I can see why you scored 90 in PTE. What areas are you struggling most in? Glad —– Happy/ Pleased/ Delighted/ Cheerful/ Joyful/ Merry. L=7.5 Vocabulary -90 2. It sounds a bit silly, but I promise you it will pay off. I sure wish I had known them before I wrote the PTE exam for the first time! Please go ahead and reach out to our trained and available Duty Tutors via this link: Since i am full time working, i am very apprehensive that whether i would be able to score 79 in each or not? Arrianne Talma. -Your exam date Everything was pretty good even with little mishaps. One thing that we see a lot at E2Language is people who are unrealistic about their skill level and their timeline. Thank you for the video, your ideas clearly reflect what happens in the exam. I took the silver package. Kindly advise, I’m sorry to hear that- it must be due to the busy time of year! To those who haven’t taken their test, follow the recommendations given. I can understand what image shows or speaker said but i can’t re-tell in a proper way..please give me any advise so i can crack PTE. hbspt.forms.create({
Do you think it is a good idea. IELTS Writing Topics & Essay Structure | IELTS Writing Task 2, OET Writing Tips – How to get an A on the OET writing sub-test. Unintentionally, we tend to speak louder with our headphones on. : Which of these do you want? Now, I have finished my dates for PTE for April’18, to get a better score or +79 in all the 4 categories to hike my overall rating. 3. hi i’m navjot can you help me pls, because i give pte exam 2 times but my speaking don’t goes up , in which pronunciation is about 10 and fluency is 46 what i can do ? Reading:63 The assessment done by the E2 team helped to understand my mistakes and fine tune those. But now got confidence to execute it after reading your post. I was doubting when I switched to pte. If you’re not sure which package you need, you can set up a free consultation with one of our PTE experts here:, We can take a look at your scores and figure out how much one-on-one time and assessment support you will need! I completely agree that noise cancellation headsets would be ideal- but until Pearson decides to implement them for everyone, they won’t be an option. I understand that it may be my Essay that is pulling my marks down. Please help me thr steps that i need to take. Be sure to check out our Free PTE Practice Activities while you’re here. Learn synonyms list that starts with M with examples. The feedback you will get from your submissions is very valuable! Best of luck! Did you get your desired result from PTE ? Will also give you the idea which part of the exam you need to focus and to practice more. PTE Repeat Sentence Tips If that helps. Learn synonym words that start with E with examples. W- I admit, I’m not good in writing. I was like… scared of the awkward silence and my mind wandered for a moment. I took my IELTS exam and I scored The second time I wrote the PTE, I was the last to begin the speaking section and I noticed a significant difference in my level of concentration and focus. Synonyms for common words, phrases frequently used in speaking and writing.Â. Please send your latest test scores, the scores you wish to achieve and your next test date to [email protected] so that the Duty Tutor can assist you further. I need min 79 each. Again- if you have the chance to take IELTS, it sounds like a better option. Please send across your latest test scores, the scores you are looking to achieve and your next test date to [email protected] so that our Duty Tutor can assist you right away! Is it advisable to switch to PTEor stick to IELTS? Practice more, pray more and have faith from above. If you’re looking for free resources, check out our free PTE webinars and the PTE activities available on this blog! Not only can they work with you to create a realistic study plan that suits your needs and timeline, but they can also provide support in the areas where you struggle most. This is where the “writing discourse” score comes in. Have been giving mock tests in a website where I purchased the PTE voucher, but the results (manually evaluated) were discouraging. I need 79+ in all the modules. Hi, Hello there, Please suggest me , how can i get 65+ marks . Besides having those great teachers to support you, here are some other things you can do to get the most out of our course and get that PTE 79: 1. Specially, i have an problem in “Describe Image” and “Re-tell Lecture”. An English proficiency test should be a piece of cake!” Here is the problem with that logic: English proficiency tests are not just about English. I need about pte preparation before examination, I appeared for PTE first time and scored Overall score = 70, I Wanted better score 79+… Can you please suggest 2. It has now been a couple of months since I took the PTE exam for the second time, but I still find myself thinking about it quite a lot. Stop doing practice questions immediately! Flat, monotonous colors gave way to multidimensional dye jobs that work in pair with trendy haircuts to create dynamic hairstyles full of texture and volume. When you think of synonyms, think of a thesaurus, because these useful books provide you with synonyms for different words so you never have to use the same word over and over again. If you are a free user, you can send your report card to us and a tutor can make a recommendation to you about which or our courses best suits your needs and how we can direct you to the most useful resources! You accurately described the testing environment. Pronunciation-72 Since i think i am an average student. Our expert Duty Tutors who are trained in package suggestions can talk you through informing you what we can help you with. (LINK:, They will get back to you ASAP. Thanks so much, Rodrigo! Feedback from your E2Language tutor is an excellent way to assess your new level. It’s a good news.. Well done, that’s amazing news! 🙂, I am planning to take the PTE Exam in some time. So I request you to help me understand the pattern and support me in having a strategy to crack this test. See you there! I am preparing for PTE exam and enrolled to Package 1 in E2Language. -What your scores were in detail. Now I am planning for PTE and would need a 65 score in each individual section. 🙂. I have learnt a great deal from the live classes. Unfortunately I did not come across this tip of taking the test first thing in the morning but registered on the time slot available. Could you please provide an estimate as to how marks in the speaking section actually contribute to reading and listening scores? hlo frnds plzz help me i m weak in reading my exam date is 14june i have only one day plzz give me seggesion how a can solve it second problem in speaking repeat sentence plzz give me tips, hyy friends, i have so much need pte material so Plz anyone sand pte material on [email protected]. I’m getting 10 in my pronunciation even though I wrote 4 times n can I know how I would definitely require your help and support to crack this exam. I have already signed up on E2 language, budget one although, but really don’t know how to control my fear of failing…it’s really hard to control and as i am approaching the test date, less than two weeks, i am getting more and more nervous about it…. Hi team E2 language, I gave my PTE twice in the last one and a half month. Building on your knowledge will. I’ll give you some resources below, but I also really recommend that you look into one of our PTE courses to help get you on track with boosting your scores. You can use the same three-part rule for a sentence with and, or, yet, and so. Sure if you’re interested in signing up for one of our paid packages go ahead and check out this explanation on how you can register: I need to take my next attempt in about 3 weeks as I have to have positive scores (79+ across) in about a month’s time and file my application as soon as I can post that. Here is a magic formula that will help get you get there: 1. What is the difference between IELTS General and IELTS Academic? I don’t write with perfect spelling but couldn’t help finding that odd, let alone how it does not seem to affect my grammar and writting. Just loved this. I am thinking to switch from PTE to Ielts as I think that I am more comfortable speaking to a human face to face and express more of my self than listening and talking to a computer. But I can say, the e2 language method really works. I gave PTE exam twice already, but unfortunately each time I received poor marks in W-59; L:58. BTW, I’m a paid member on E2L. Sorry to hear about your scores and I believe your current scores are good for a first attempt. Please send us an email at [email protected] with an overview of your previous scores (if any) and what you think you need to work on, as well as any questions you may have. I’m planning to take the pte probably at the end of April or May but i feel that am not ready. Also, i purchased one of your review materials but i feel like it not helping me at all. E2L provides one of the best content, both the blog and YouTube channel. S-fluency is the main key. I told you it was super easy.  PTE study timetable and an online course recommendation from E2Language? All you need to do is skill build and practice, and all that takes is time, patience, and a bit of determination! 2. Matador Community member Arrianne Talma shows how to sound like a local. Could you please guide me to achieve 65 plus in. how do i join E2 PTE Study Group in Facebook to connect with more students who are preparing for the PTE ? In short, it is essential that we practise to be familiar not only with noise, but also with quietness. This will make it a lot easier for you to focus on your own task at hand. List of common synonyms that start with N with examples. I like your blog too much. Absolutely! This can be slightly complicated to explain, so examples are much easier to understand in the case of these synonyms: Stylistic synonyms are much easier to understand, because the meanings are exactly the same, but you use them interchangeably based only on the style of writing you are doing. Record yourself practicing a speaking task in a bustling café, try a reading exercise on a noisy tram, or listen to fascinating podcasts in a public park with an outdoor band playing 10 metres away. I love your writing its very neat and easy to understand. Remember a computer grades you on ‘fluency’ which basically means that your speech is easy to understand! Writing:50 Thanks for your sharing. I hoped that maybe you can shed some light on this with some analysis and advice. Message our expert Duty Tutors at this link: PTE Preparation | PTE Review Materials You Can’t Miss! would anyone be able to advise me? So many collocations and nice vocabulary. I wish I read this blog before I took my PTE last Tuesday. hi I need 55+ overall I already attempt one time my score was L R S W 43 47 41 42 How i can improve my scores i am using e2 language online classes.plz help me. Why? 🙂. I got speaking 46, reading 59 , listening 69, writing 75. I am asking this because even after a lot of practice, i am hardly able to give a correct answer for this part. I think what matters is; just repeat whatever you heard and the sentence will still make sense and write the sentence with similar or synonym of the word you forgotten. Please raise this request to our Duty Tutors by adding yourself a Support Ticket! I have my PTE appointment next month end and now i m preparing for it and my target is to get 79+ in each module. Go for PTE I Was struggling to get 6 in IELTS now I got score 83 in PTE .This exam is very easy to score without actually improving our English but to out smart computer .However,speaking is only the one to work and get 79+ score. As for “Written Discourse”, this essentially means the overall quality and coherence of your writing. You have mastered the rule. 🙂. Please let us know when you receive your test results *fingers crossed*. Attend every webinar and PTE live mock test we offer (or watch the recorded versions afterwards!). Our teachers can identify the missing building blocks and help you add them to your repertoire. Common synonyms that start with C with examples. Letter and essay in particular. Things were going right with me used to the chaotic noise in the test room, when near the end of the re-tell lecture suddenly everything around turned silent. Hello i am going to give my exam on next week and its my third time. This is seriously frustrating. 🙂, Hello Kiaya, Hopefully, this guide will teach you more about synonyms and give you some ideas for you to use in your own writing! Hi Team, I have taken my PTE exam 3 times. This is my first attempt towards PTE. Pls tell me only one thing that, the coaching center from where am taking pte coaching, my tutor told me to speak too fast in read aloud module without stopping on any full stop and coma’s to till end of the paragraph. Thanks. Our packages can be found here: and you can email us for more information: [email protected] 🙂. G 78 O 66 P 77 S 20 V 90 W 90. which came as a surprise to me as I was only aiming for 65 the first time. Can you share your experiences and your tips regarding PTE with me? Here are some examples: There are, in fact, very few examples of total synonyms, because so often they depend on something else. We are happy to assist you with your preparation. After you’ve worked on your skills, you’ll need to know where you stand again. Learn 120+ common synonyms list in English with pronunciation video. There are, of course, more examples than those above though. Ahh, that is a very common instance for test takers. to try out some more practice questions, a nifty trick, etc. Assess your skill level. Kindly share some input on this.At times one just feels blank with no sudden ideas in mind. Thank you so much for your help!!! It is all about your preparation and what is your level of English. Find 31 ways to say ROGUE, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. portalId: '2940303',
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