If your child has a learning difficulty that makes it hard for your child to enjoy learning, ask what support the school can offer. Getting addicted to computer games will jeopardise learning because the kids’ mind will only revolve around computer games, causing them to lose interest in learning. Do not expect your child to be a certain way and wonder why they don’t want to do an activity; use the information from when your studied your child (above) to form activities around what they’re already interested in. Young kids get interested in things very easily. Thus, they may not able to recognise the importance of studying. Be present and supportive ©2021 BuzzFeed, Inc. All rights reserved. is a wonderful essay on how math is like art and should be taught accordingly. Teachers face this problem all the time with a classroom full of learners of varying interests and abilities. It is inevitable that every parent will want their child to be the best. Do not be afraid to ask your child to reflect on her own learning and interests and to help develop a plan and strategy that she would be interested in executing. Lets find out.". Do not be afraid to ask your child to reflect on her own learning and interests and to help develop a plan and strategy that she would be interested in executing. Some kids simply hate to read textbooks and the sight of long paragraphs of words explaining concepts. Nonverbal learning disabilities make it hard for kids to understand communication that isn’t spoken, like body language, facial expressions, and tone of voice. These four aspects can help provide a starting point if you are struggling to engage your child. Crown Centre Campus Research has shown that kids below the age of 13 spend increasingly amount of time on the computer. Some parents try to motivate their kids by telling them that it is important to study hard and get good grades so that they will eventually be successful. When such is the case, the teenagers become very argumentative and lazy such that they rarely listen to their parents. They don’t have a learning disability, although some may. Here are a few things you can try to encourage your child and keep them motivated to study and learn. The act of choosing should give the child an opportunity to think about their learning. When students find that they have nobody to turn to, they start to get tired and give up on studying. I would read to your child or have your older child read to the younger child, let the child pick the books so that he or she is interested and engaged or even find local story times that have books your child is interested in. The Montessori approach leverages this aspect very well. Hence, while it is essential that you set goals for your children, always remember that these targets should be realistic and within your children’s abilities. Studying alone leads to helplessness. Just imagine putting yourself in your child’s shoes. Some students find studying extremely difficult if they do it alone. However, this interest can also turn into an obsession. Some may also find it tough to make friends. About the expert: Written by Suchitra Seethapathy on 13 July 2018; updated on 24 June 2020 If you suspect that your children might be struggling to learn because there is an underlying issue not pertaining to just … Hence, if your children are introverts, it is fundamental that you give them emotional support and monitor their behaviour. The Lazy Child Who Doesn't Want to Learn: Motivation Tips and Tricks Motivation Is Possible. If it feels impossible to get through a mountain of school work right now, tell your child’s teachers. - Giving children some freedom in crafting their learning can go a very long way. But if the parents incorporate rewards, children will be motivated and will learn … However, everything should be done in moderation and you should limit the amount of time your children spend in front of the screen to ensure that they do not develop this harmful vice. Anything! As always some thought has to be given in determining what types of choice to offer the children. “My sixth grader has been getting a flood of assignments; I work full-time and I’m a single mom with other kids at home,” Annie Snyder, a doctor of educational psychology and senior learning scientist with McGraw-Hill, told HuffPost. Children with natural athletic potential may show their abilities at this developmental stage as their physical skills become more precise1 and accurate. "It includes knowledge about learning, knowledge of one's own learning strengths and weaknesses, and the demands of the learning task at hand. So says Steven E. Curtis, author of the book Understanding Your Child’s Puzzling Behavior and a licensed child clinical psychologist specializing in the assessment and treatment of children with emotional, behavioral, developmental, and learning difficulties. The act of choosing should give the child an opportunity to think about their learning. We made it easy for you to exercise your right to vote. (If you have other concerns, be sure to have the school and/or your child’s pediatrician rule out learning disabilities, ADHD/ADD, depression, addictions and other conditions.) Due to their reserved nature, they find it more difficult to consult their teacher for help. Parents are the most powerful influencers in a child's life and are in the perfect position to help nurture not only meta-cognition, but also intrinsically motivated learners. If your children are unable to focus when they read, try playing video lectures on sites like the Khan academy to facilitate learning. Therefore, if kids find the subject they are learning interesting, they will learn better. Young kids get interested in things very easily. Metacognition also includes self-regulation -- the ability to orchestrate one's learning: to plan, monitor success, and correct errors when appropriate -- all necessary for effective intentional learning.". That doesn’t mean that he’s not learning. For 8-year-old children, physical development is more about refinement of skills, coordination, and muscle control rather than huge changes. If your child hates school, it is probably not his fault, nor that of his teacher, but rather it can be evidence that his brain is functioning appropriately. It is important for you to identify your children’s optimal style of learning. You will most probably lose motivation because no matter how hard you try, you will not be able to satisfy him or her. Having homeschooled 3 boys I have gone through this stage several times over the years. Little children are so curious. A child or teenager who feels very powerless will stay in bed, not go to school, avoid homework, sit on the couch, and withhold overall involvement because it gives her a sense of being in control. For example, you can describe to them how whatever they have learnt in Mathematics can be applied in measuring things and counting money. Similarly, this is how your children might feel. If your child can not or will not read to a teacher, the teacher is unable to assess your child. Different children have different interests. Keeping your child interested in learning is, in a nutshell, being a good parent. Go to slide 2. What are the implications of losing interest in learning? Most teenagers reach a certain point in their teenage life when they feel unmotivated and not interested in anything. The Pique Lab is a premier private enrichment center that focuses on helping primary school students nurture their love for learning Science, Serene Centre Campus But I would not … 6 Surprising Reasons Why Your Child Is Not Interested In Studying #1. If you notice that your child has bad grades in a particular subject or is hesitant … They just may not be ready to or interested in reading yet. Not to mention the bragging she’d hear from other kids in that class that made her feel inadequate. This won’t do them any good – unless, of course, there’s a particular teacher at the tuition centre who can trigger their curiosity on the subject It can be helpful for a child to see others like herself being successful at an activity she wants to master. The above solutions are possible ways in which you can address different causes to loss of interest in studying. If a child is lonely, offer to play. do a great job of providing a safe sandbox in which players can master the basic skills needed to get going, following which the tasks fall within the. Every child has learning preferences and … Email: hello@thepiquelab.com If kids don’t learn to read in Kindergarten, they’re not behind. These four aspects can help provide a starting point if you are struggling to engage your child. March 20, 2017 by Erin D. Sooner or later, almost every homeschool parent is going to have at least one child who just flat out doesn’t want to do any schoolwork. It’s okay if he doesn’t learn to read until he’s 7 or 8. Different kids have different abilities and react to different styles of teaching and learning. It is difficult to get interested in doing anything that you deem pointless. Kids develop at different rates – you know that! Preschools in Singapore can help to detect gaps in learning. - Children need to know why what they are learning is important. Some students find studying extremely difficult if they do it alone. The root cause may differ: lack of confidence, newly pulled out of school and associating learning with unpleasantness, an inability to sit in one place for longer than it takes you to switch your eyes to another child, or what my sister in … They begin to look like "big kids," but puberty is still a couple of years away for most of them. Not at all. If your child needs ongoing support to stay engaged in school, ask the school about forming an attendance student support group. The curriculum is designed around child initiated learning, and fosters a love for learning. Thus, this article seeks to provide 6 reasons on why your child lost interest in learning and how you can get them excited again and make them happy. With his strong background in visual communications, Mervin has managed to employ his skills to develop comprehensible material for primary schools students. Children can then choose the type of "work" they want to do, giving them a chance to exercise some freedom and increase their investment in their learning. However, you dont need to craft an artificial connection to usefulness. You do not want them to give up and lose interest in studying right? But teachers get formal training that equips them to deal with this problem. It is important that you monitor your children’s behaviour and act accordingly when they demonstrate signs of disinterest in learning before they completely give up on studying. Role models and peer groups also play a part in helping build a strong sense of self. Introverts are more likely to face this problem. Some kids enjoy going to school, consistently receive high grades and are even self-motivated... Stay Involved. Please click here to join our Parent Support Group on Facebook! Children often hide their anxiety and discouragement behind defiant and … One thing you can do is have the teacher, you and your child sit anywhere in the school other than a classroom. Serene Centre, Singapore 258748. They should be taught with love and care. She will grow to become more confident! Disliking School Subjects. He believes in developing quality pedagogy to enhance his students’ learning experience. Sign up for membership to become a founding member and help shape HuffPost's next chapter. Learning letters is simply a skill that our kids will learn as they are developmentally ready. All can be clues that a child is struggling with a learning or behavioral issue. If a child doesn’t like school, that will be 16.5 years of misery. They are very sensitive to inauthenticity. They need to know their ABCs, or basic vocabulary so that they are set up for success. Have your children complained about how they don’t want to study anymore? Learning needs can easily go undetected, especially if a child appears to be thriving. They tend to demonstrate an... #2. It is easy for parents to set high standards and demand for an “A” from their child during examinations. Curiosity is only the very first step towards learning and mastery of skills. If students are not interested in studying, it is unlikely that they will put in their 100 percent and thus, will not be able to maximise their full potential. This group can work with you to find the best ways to support your child’s attendance. When your child all of the sudden doesn't want to tell you about what they are learning in school, or how their school day went, it can be a signal that something is not right at school. If your child is one of the less motivated, it can be a source of great worry and frustration and sometimes even despair—and that’s where the trouble can begin. Going to school should be about learning, acquiring knowledge, exploring new subjects and growing as a person. Introduce and encourage different types of learning styles. Choose something both of you enjoy, like doing a puzzle or going on a hike. As introverts have the propensity to bottle up and not talk about their troubles, you should show them concern and constantly ask if they need help with their school work. In the US, the average expected years of schooling is 16.5 years ​1​. I also have a 4 year old who has one more year of preschool. You don’t want that for your child. I do not encourage you to impose a complete ban on computer games for your children as playing computer games can benefit your children by helping them to relax. There is a clear leveling system that is visible and that also serves to provide clear goals and targets. YouTube Channel. If true learning is to occur, then students have to be at the very least participants in the process, and not merely products. 10 Jalan Serene, #02-05A/17A/18/20*, Mervin’s experience in teaching Science gave him the relevant understanding to devise the proven Complete Concept Integration™ methodology; effecting an excellent track record of 90% distinction rate. She's not interested in learning either. For instance, a parent should never say, "I am just bad at math". Kids with NVLD have trouble with abstract concepts and sizing up social situations. I am pulled in two directions. High expectations resulting in loss of motivation, 5 Relaxation Activities That Your Child Shouldn’t Do, The Secret Guide To Coaxing Your Child To Do Their Homework, To Parents Who Want To Motivate Their Child But Can’t Get Started, 3 Killer Strategies To Help Your Child Move Fast during Examinations, The CUE Method To Tackle Data-Based Questions, Tackle Control Set-up Questions Like A Pro, 5 Child-Friendly Tips To Unwind Without Getting Addicted, 6 Tricks To Turn Your Child Into A Bookworm, 3 Killer Strategies To Help Your Child Move Fast During Examinations, 10 Time-saving Hacks Every Student Should Know, P3 Complete Concept Integration™ Science Course, P4 Complete Concept Integration Science Course, P5 Complete Concept Integration Science Course, P6 Complete Concept Integration Science Course, S1 Complete Concept Integration Chemistry Course. Always remember not to overstretch your children. You can honestly say that something is interesting just because there is beauty in an elegant solution or idea. But when a child doesn’t seem too enthusiastic to learn new things, you may start wondering why, and what you can do to change that. For example, letting children choose the color of paper or pencils to use is not very meaningful. However, parents must understand the repercussions of setting unrealistic expectations. Similarly, it is important for the child's role models (many times the parents) to reinforce and model lifelong learning. Crown Centre, Singapore 269694. Let’s face it, learning can be hard work, especially if it is not interesting or immediately beneficial. Learning is a lifelong process and not restricted to a classroom. Meta cognition is a higher-order 21st century skill. Parents must understand that good learning is not synonymous to getting a great score, and that they themselves play an equal and important part in nurturing their child’s love for learning. This could also be limited to the subjects they are struggling with. then have the teacher give you a book and have your child read it to you in front of the teacher. 557 Bukit Timah Road, #01-06/07^, Mr. Mervin Soon is the creative developer of the organisation’s learning materials. It would be crazy to try and force a six-month-old to … - Children need to have the basic tools to start. To the parent, the behavior looks completely out of control. That will only result in resentment. Activity and Ownership I believe that the majority of teachers pick up on the audience cues as they direct-teach and can tell if a student is not interested or not engaged. Children are naturally curious, and curiosity is the first step towards learning. Part of HuffPost Education. If these complaints are legitimate and their schedule are indeed hectic, make necessary adjustments. By doing so, their kids may be overloaded and eventually burn out, causing them to lose interest in everything including studying. They may have a visual mind and are more interested in this style of learning. Let’s face it, nobody likes all their subjects. Try to get others, like friends and family, to pinch-hit as playmates too. Parent Support Group My Teenage Son is Not Interested in Anything, How Can I Motivate Him? They want to equip their kids with as many skills as possible so that their kids don’t lose out to others. Here are some suggestions (from their work) for parents to keep in mind when trying to motivate a child - without using either carrots or sticks. Up and lose interest in studying # 1 because no matter how hard try. Craft an artificial connection to usefulness not be able to satisfy Him or her 's role models peer., causing them to tuitions or extra classes behavior looks completely out of control determining types... 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