Night after night she repeated the story until her daughter fell fast asleep! Tell them about Jesus. This text focuses on Moses as he tells the nation of Israel the story of God's. Was Jesus saying people in the Jewish age would marry but people in the Christian age would not? It is designed to lure them into subcultures that often negatively affect their spirituality. The Scripture upon which I base my argument is penned by John Mark in his Gospel Narrative: Mark 5:17-20. ". Scriptures about Growing Old Aging in the Bible is said to be a sign of experience. All saints are called to be ministers, ministers of reconciliation! This generation must be prepared to witness for Christ in every aspect of their lives including the family, church and the world beyond. Another example is the Lord’s remark about marriage. This truth is further embellished in verse 36: 13 Those that be planted in the house of the Lord. The entire book of Deuteronomy is a written record of Moses' many efforts to tell the story of the Israelite journey. Young people do not stand up any longer when adults enter the room. Some came from what has been called the "Pepsi generation” who feasted on Kentucky Fried Chicken; listened to Prince and the Purple Rain. It also has the propensity or the tendency to deviate, just as the previous generation. We must be careful to map one phrase onto the other. In that second stanza of Charles Wesley’s hymn “A Charge to Keep I Have,” he wrote: “To serve the present age, My calling to fulfill…” I submit to us that the Calling the Church must fulfill is “To serve the present age.” If you are unhappy are you doing anything about it? It is a generation of rap music. 14 They shall still bring forth fruit in old age; they shall be fat and flourishing; She opened the book and read. In other words, the cross was not where the Jewish age ended; the cross was not where the Christian age began. In this first example (Matthew 12:32), Jesus was speaking on the other side of the cross from us. Whoever tells the story must decide to live the life and walk the walk, before they, If you are going to tell thc story. It is a music driven voice of youth rebellion that reflects. Adult Christians. We must use scouting in a greater way. The challenge to know him in every way and tell others what we know fEces every. "'Why are you smiling soT' The mother asked. Rather, in this study, we are concerned simply with what Jesus had in mind when he used the terms "this age" and "the age to come". The righteous shall flourish like the palm tree: he shall grow like a cedar in Lebanon. the word of God in their hearts and to constantly remind themselves of God's goodness by keeping them visible in glaring ways. Organizations such as Girl Scouts, and Boy Scouts have proven to be useful tools used by churches around the world to reach youth with a spiritual message while they have fun. Who will tell the story of how God take poor families from North Carolina, Louisiana and Mississippi and hundreds of places around the world and lift them up'. The words demonstrated a commitment felt by one generation to know God themselves then tell the story to "the present age. Help me to watch and pray, And on Thyself rely, Assured, if I my trust betray, I shall forever die. From initiatives of care and education to programs of action and collaboration, discover the transforming impact the church can have on society, culture, and community through diverse social justice ministries. We all have been commissioned to take the Gospel into the entire world and present them the Word that will bring them back to God. It is not only a call to action but a blueprint for the church to make a profound impact on marginalized communities and the world at large. Grandmother would sit in that old rocker and read one each night without fail. If the term "this age" meant the Jewish age, and "the age to come" meant the Christian age, then Paul (on this side of the cross) was still in the Jewish age and the Christian age had not yet come. One of the ways we can serve God is by helping his children, our brothers … Satan is busy causing problems today just as he caused problems for every preceding generation. Reread Eph. His youth was a litany of deeds and accomplishments that included surviving the wilderness, seeing the burning bush, facing Pharaoh, maintaining the wilderness existence for 40 years. Moses said that “the imagination of man’s heart is evil from his youth” (Gen. 8:21), and Paul admonished Timothy to “flee youthful lusts” (2 Tim. Without a doubt, Moses was the pillar of the Israelite nation. It was a time of black and white shoes, thick socks. Tell them how he arose after three days and! The old warriors of the church still sing an old hymn in long meter. a language, culture, fashion and hairstyle that is counter to mainstream influences. The church should say. The text seems to speak to the mission of the church as it instructs parents: At, any given opportunity the good parent should tell the story. I look forward to more scholarly work from these authors! However, the youth of "this present age" may not fully know God for themselves or their relationship to him. All Scripture is God-Breathed … 11 my persecutions, and the sufferings that came upon me in Antioch, Iconium, and Lystra. The question plagued her day and night. Satan has a plan to gain new recruits among today's youth. you must know Jesus for yourself1. | Next The reward will come in the form oflong life. "not only in this age but in that which is to come". The age to come is therefore eternity1. Afros, stage plank shoes, and dashikis. In verse 2 Paul says that all the brothers with him stand behind his letter. ", The church's response should be the same as that of Isaiah, "If the Lord needs, Who will tell this generation that Jesus is calling out to them, reminding them that, Who will challenge this present age to step out of their generation into his elite. "either in this age, or in the age to come". Give Tithes and Offerings. VALLEY FORGE, PA (ABNS 2/5/13)—Just in time for Black History Month, Judson Press has released a powerful new resource for the African American church.To Serve This Present Age: Social Justice Ministries in the Black Church is coauthored by veteran ministry practitioners, Min. The words of Moses are even clearer today than they were when he spoke them in the Book of Deuteronomy. There are some who came from the Bobby Sox generation. It is reflected in the movies youth like most. The New Testament sometimes compares or links "this age" with "the age to come". You can't tell your story until you can tell his story! Once you have identified your spiritual gifts you should find a way to use those gifts to serve your local church community. The "end of this age" is the end of the cosmos. —When we speak of death we are usually thinking of the death of the physical body. In verse 1 Paul lays claim to the unique authority of an apostle which is not dependent at all on other people, but comes from Christ and God the Father. Instantly the mother began to feel grandma's presence. We must involve ourselves in the education and Christian education of our youth. Now Jesus does not leave us guessing here about what the parable represents. Christian youth have their own "bump and grind" We bump Satan out ofthe way. With all of our power and might, those who know the Lord should prepare to minister to the present generation as we tell them about the goodness of the Lord. Arm me with jealous care, As in Thy sight to live; And O Thy servant, Lord, prepare A strict account to give! Paul, in his writings, frequently uses the term "this age". She knew that Grandma was safe. However, in his senior years, Moses assumed the role of teacher for the people. He says, "The field is the world". 2 Bible Verses About Serving God in Your Youth. The generation before us is no different from the previous in terms of potential and its propensities. shall flourish in the courts of our God. Who will tell the story to this present age? Ministry – You can serve God by working in the ministry. Observe that when Jesus says in example 1, "The sin shall not be forgiven him, either in this age, or in the age to come," he means what he says in example 2, "he never has forgiveness but is subject to eternal condemnation". If your references use the Strong’s numerical coding, see 165 and 166. Tap a Lookup below to generate a list of lessons. Deuteronomy 11:19. Christian youth are being called upon by the millions to rise from their generation and choose to serve a mighty and powerful God who has chosen them to be his witnesses. Endless service from a wrong heart will do no good. Believers will be rewarded for their faithfulness to their duty. The mission ofthe church is to minister to this present age with the word of God in a meaningful way that tells the story of what God has done in the past and what he is doing today. "The sons of this age marry and are given in marriage. 4. Churches must become concerned about the academic performance oftheir youth as well as their Christian education. Jesus said of Himself: “Even the Son of Man didn’t come to be served but to serve, and to give HIS life as a ransom for many.” (Mark 10:45) Are we greater than our Master? The words were written by Charles Wesley, but the old slaves added power and emotion when they sang, "A charge to keep I have, A God to glorify A never dying soul to save and fit it for the sky. Does that sound like something new? Our conclusion is further confirmed when we look at the parable of the tares where Jesus speaks of the "harvest... at the end of this age". 3 Serving God in Your Youth Matters! those most violent or had plenty of cursing and sex. One great text that laid hold of my heart in the earlier years of my ministry was Acts 13:22: And when he [God] had removed him [Saul], he raised up unto them David to be their king; to whom also he gave testimony, and said, I have found David the son of Jesse, a man after mine own heart, which shall fulfil all my will.. Jesus clearly refers to this world when he says "this age", and heaven when he says refers to "that age". Consider this quote: "Youth today love luxury. "Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils;" -- … Here in Mark 3:28-30, Jesus shows how he regards his own use of the terms "this age" and "the age to come" used in example 1 (Matthew 12:32).Try exercise 2. Many adults look at the youth of this generation and shake their heads. "The sin shall not be forgiven him, either in this age, or in the age to come,", "The sons of this age marry and are given in marriage. Christ said that the sin of blasphemy against the Holy Spirit shall never be forgiven, … "Who will tell the story?" What did Jesus mean by the terms 'this age', and 'the age to come'? In the midst of this generation there is a small nucleus of youth who are standing firm for Christ. 1. 2. “No one can serve two masters, for either he will hate the one … "We must tell the story" to this generation. They conclude that this generation is lost. This might not seem to be a very important issue, however you might be surprised at the doctrines that rely upon misinterpreting these terms. Are you disappointed? Deuteronomy 11:19 Have you ever taken a good look at the youth of … Instead of buckling belts, Hip Hop suggests that they be worn unbuckled or no belts at all. What does the Bible say about aging? But those who are counted worthy to attain to that age, and the resurrection from the dead, neither marry nor are. Since it is expected that men do not wear earrings. More information... People also love these ideas Oct 25, 2013 - I am chosen of God to serve my Saviour in this present age. The Greek word αιων (aion) appears over 150 times in the New Testament. I will carry you along and save you (Isaiah 46:4). They have bad manners, contempt for authority, no respect for older people, and talk nonsense when they should be working. The authors balance the philosophical, theological and the practical. just as previous generations. Matthew 12:32. It is not simply a recounting of the journey but an account of God's dealings with people. We should never be afraid of aging. "Here we are, Lord.. .send usI". Even sadder, hundreds of thousands of youth are graduating from Hip Hop to levels in which they must prove that they are willing to do anything to prove that they have the ':iuice" or ultimate courage. called Hip Hop. Its mission is clear and succinct. Nobody would maintain such a thing. Though there were scores ofnew movies, . A huge basket of clothes to be ironed sat nearby. Moses retells the story. Often the church becomes relaxed, but Satan has been busy. Have you ever taken a good look at the youth of today? 12 Indeed, all who desire to live godly lives in Christ Jesus will be persecuted, 13 while evil men and imposters go from bad to worse, deceiving and being deceived.… Are you happy with what you see? Who will tell the story told by our forefathers? The journey of the children of Israel from Canaan to Egypt in a time of famine to huge nation of wilderness nomads, nearly a half million in number is memorable. Does that mean a hundredfold in the Jewish age and eternal life in the Christian age? This passage (Matthew 12:32) is a good one to begin with, because we will be able to look at a parallel passage that clearly shows what Jesus had reference to. The church must adopt the village approach to youth. However, there are also three spiritual deaths. The temptations they face are similar to those of previous generations, but the advent of technology makes it extremely more difficult to resist and to handle. So far, we have compared two examples, which are parallel passages. We saw that "the age to come" is where there will be "eternal condemnation". Some easier examples come later, but we want to look at this one now, because it is the parallel passage to the example we have just looked at. Realize their gifts and/or talents – Every child has an amazing gift that God has given them. According to Rom. Alcohol companies who influence youth to drink secretly back many ofthe rappers. Tap the title above, next to the arrow, to go to that lesson with a link back to this page. In the sink were stacked piles of dirty dishes. She knew that grandma was with God. 1. A cartoon showed a picture of a woman lying in her sick bed, obviously in misery. But those who are counted worthy to attain to that age, and the resurrection from the dead, neither marry nor are given in marriage". If: for example, boys are expected to wear their pants fitted on their waists, Hip Hop urges them to wear them loose on their hips. Take no notice of that. To serve the present age, my calling to fulfill; 0 may it all my powers engage to do my Master's will." The word kosmos is the very word we find at that particular place in our Greek scriptures. Snoop Doggy Dog, and Beyonce. Missionaries Serving This Present Age with Excellence “Sing unto the Lord, all the earth; shew forth from day to day his salvation…Let the heavens be glad and let the earth rejoice: and let men say among the nations, the Lord reigneth.” I Chronicles 16:23-31. Two are bad and one is good Tap the title above, next to the arrow, to go to that lesson with a link back to this page. Who will tell the world that those who trust in the Lord can: -Face the unfaceable: conquer the unconquerable, -Bear the unbearable: suffer the insufferable, The Lord needs believers in this generation who are willing to use all available. Elvis Presley. The stories were funny. “THEY SHALL STILL BEAR FRUIT IN OLD AGE” Psalms 92:12-15. NOw there is before us a new generation, similar to those of the past but is yet different. To Serve This Present Age. This is scripture interpreting itself and it shows that Jesus had eternity in mind when he spoke of "the age to come". Hip Hop suggests that they keep hats on, and turn them backwards. '. she sat in the old rocking chair. The name "Deuteronomy" means "A second Look." This present age is developing a taste for things that are vulgar, violent, and sexy. Instead of wearing shirttails in. Each believer is charged to know the story himself or herself. Christian youth remembers that the word of God says, "'The body is the temple ofthe ' Holy GhosC. By way of contrast, though, the Creator also recognizes the value of youth to the divine cause. in the last three years the ones that were favorites of African-American teens were. That makes the challenge ofthe church even more formidable. The Lord promises His continued love and concern for the elderly. These are the statistics for the average American youth. Little Richard. You must tell the story!" Instantly the little girl sat up in her bed and displayed the biggest smile. Unfortunately, so many never realize these gifts because they aren’t provided the opportunity to figure them out or work on them. | Hub The youth of this present age will be leaders in the church and its various auxiliaries and ministries. In the midst of all these influences. Tired. " And it shall come to pass, if ye shall hearken diligently unto my commandments which I command you this day, to love the LORD your God, and to serve him … She learned what our fore parents already knew; everyone around a child influences and contributes to his growth and development. That interpretation sounds quite credible. 5. We need to be brave at this point, because we are dealing with the hardest example. We must utilize proven tools to reach and teach. To serve the present age, My calling to fulfill: Oh, may it all my pow’rs engage To do my Master’s will! Christians have a responsibility to show kindness, respect, and to take care of the elderly. “To Serve This Present Age”: How Pastors and Worship Ministry Leaders Can Form God’s People through Music in Worship September 1, 2019 Lisa Weaver Music: General Music: Hymns I attended a wonderful conference in Stellenbosch, South Africa this summer. We must increase our involvement in the Christian Education and secular education of our youth. The Scriptures represent youth as a time both of danger and challenge. Only one thought came to her mind. They contradict their parents, talk too much in company, guzzle their food, lay their legs on the table and tyrannize their elders." Yes we are to respect all people, but there is a certain type of respect that we give to the […] Let's begin today with 1:1–5. In addition, their children and grand children will enjoy a richer happier life because they took the time to tell the story at every opportunity! This Present Age SCRIPTURE: And ye shall teach them your children, speaking of them when thou sittest in thine house, and when thou walkest by the way, when thou liest down, and when thou risest up. and the 55 Chevrolet. That brings to mind the l' the little girl who was very close to her grandmother. What does that teach us about our attitude toward those gifts? What persecutions I endured! Each had its own peculiarities and idiosyncra­sies that were frowned upon by the preceding generation. Select a right answer below. In this different example, Jesus promised those who leave everything for his sake and the gospel's, that they will receive a hundredfold "now in this time", and eternal life "in the age to come". | Topics In the morning, noon, or at midnight, they should tell the story. In other words, he was still in the Jewish age. (0 votes) A charge to keep I have, A God to glorify, A never-dying soul to save, And fit it for the sky.To serve the present age, My calling to fulfill: Oh, may it all my pow’rs engage To do my Master’s will! And thou shalt write them upon the door posts of thine house, and upon thy gates.". 4:12–13. earringed ears, baggy clothing, R. Kelly. Knowing what God has done from first hand experience has the effect of serving as frontlets or guides that keep us from straying too far to the left or to the right. That aspect is what distinguishes biblical history from secular history. Each believer is also charged to teach their experience to the next generation; their children. While secular history tells the story of man's journey, biblical history tells the story of the journey with respect to God's relationship to the pilgrims. The new counter culture attempts to teach youth to go against mainstream cultural standards. means to witness to this present age that God is still a good God! 12:4-31). One of these interpretations strains the passage; the other explains the passage. With the indwelling Holy Spirit, New Testament believers have a power present within to live for Christ in this world, if they will but yield themselves to the … The challenge to rise up and witness for Christ is what lies before this generation. Finally, brothers and sisters, the church has the obligation to answer the question, that this generation begs for an answer, "Who will tell us the story? Some therefore teach that Christ meant the Jewish age when he used the term "this age", and he meant this side of the cross, the Christian age, when he spoke of "the age to come". Thus Moses notes it's not so much the telling of the story that is important, as is the emphasis on God's dealings with mankind in the process. Programs for after school tutoring, ACT Prep and other academic based project will help them in school. God has given everyone of His people gifts in order that we can help encourage and serve his people. the bright and morning star! Use your spiritual gift to serve one another! Bible verses about old age Old age is a blessing from the Lord. Tell them about Jesus, the Lily of the Valley! Missionaries serving the … 4:7, who is the giver of spiritual gifts? They were all amusing stories. As she came home; that night her mother came into her room and tucked her daughter in bed. Read Romans 12:3-16 and Ephesians 4:7-13 in at least two translations. ", Even though that old song has been passed down for hundreds of years, its             meaning is clear; the mission of the church is to seek the salvation of "this present age. We must teach, through hands on activities in real time. Tell them hmv he died on Calvary! Hip Hop suggests that men wear earrings. As an adjective its use in scripture seems to be limited to the first meaning, eternal. Bobby Brown, and Run DMC. The little girl pulled out the old storybook that had passed through three generations and put it in her mother's lap. 2:22). Or does it mean a hundredfold on this earth and eternal life in heaven? These youth, the missionaries oftheir generation, must be groomed to witness to their peers in this present age. But when we serve out of love, God is glorified. Grandmother always took time to come to her room, pull up the old rocking chair and read her stories from an old storybook given to her by her mother. Shortly after the little girl learned that grandma was gone to be with God. “To serve the present age, my calling to fulfill; O may it all my powers engage to do my Master’s will.” Wesley first published this hymn in his Short Hymns on Select Passages of the Holy Scriptures in 1762. Two dirty children were fighting in one corner, and in the other a cat sat licking spilled milk. Jesus wants to serve the world in this present age through us. The girl pointed to her mother sitting in grandma' s chair! It is the mission of to day's church leaders to tell the story to "this present age." Hip Hop suggests that they wear them out. We need to discover what is meant by "this age" and what is meant by "the age to come". Oct 25, 2013 - I am chosen of God to serve my Saviour in this present age. After a while Grandmother took sick. 9 It is an illustration for the present time, because the gifts and sacrifices being offered were unable to cleanse the conscience of the worshiper. Yet the Lord rescued me from all of them. The church can return to the concepts of our forefathers in rearing our children. First, I will sum up the whole and then come back and look at the parts with you in more detail. 12:3 and Eph. 3. We must involve ourselves in the entire lives of the youth in our care and nurture their faith. Mother Goose, Little Red Riding Hood, Alice in Wonderland, Goldilocks and the Three Bears. a new counter culture has developed over the, two decades. Acts 20:18-21 “…You yourselves know how I lived among you the whole time from the first day that I set foot in Asia, serving the Lord with all humility and with tears and with trials that happened to me through the plots of the Jews; how I did not shrink from declaring to you anything that was profitable, and teaching you in public and from house to house, testifying both to Jews and to Greeks of repentance … The Holy Spirit is the One who gifts New Testament believers with special abilities to serve (1 Cor. Thus it is not sufficient adult Christians to know what God has done for them, but they must also take advantage of every opportunity to teach the principles of godliness to their children. Tap the title above, next to the arrow, to go to that lesson with a link back to this page. “I will be your God throughout your lifetime -- until your hair is white with age. We are all called to serve, and to do so with love (1 Corinthians 13:1–3). Wht,'I14 _. Satan plants the idea that there is "nothing wrong with a little bump and grind" the! , culture, fashion and hairstyle that is counter to mainstream influences is penned by Mark. New counter culture attempts to teach youth to go to that lesson with a little bump and grind ''!! Through us constantly remind themselves of God to serve this present age scripture your youth little Red Riding Hood, Alice in Wonderland, and! A doubt, Moses assumed the role of teacher for the average American youth mother asked and the... Wants to serve the world '' he means the created world, the cross '' in terms of potential its! Hip I-lop Movement we bump Satan out ofthe way for themselves or their relationship him... 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