God revealed His truth to King David, who recorded it under His inspiration for our benefit. Those today who are able to understand what David wrote—who joyously accept what they read in the pages of the Bible, and look forward to Christ's return with love and eager anticipation— can do so only because, through the Holy Spirit, God is revealing His truth to them as He did to David. HOWEVER, I do believe that your virginity is a very special gift that you can only give to one man in your life. God does not "sprinkle" our sins away. Have you ever given someone a live potted flower, or received one as a gift? Fear the devil, fear the world but do not fear God. 57–65. Falling from grace is when you leave grace in order to go to a "works" system in order to save yourself. God's ministers sometimes meet prospective Church members who believe they are already "saved" Christians who possess the Holy Spirit. 4 Gods Precious Gift God Gave Jesus He did not Sell Him, Loan Him, or rent Him God gave Jesus before man ever It is even better than the gift you were thinking of. Here is what the Apostle Peter said on the Day of Pentecost in 31AD, at the founding of the New Testament Church: "Then Peter said to them, 'Repent, and let every one of you be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins; and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. If any of the above is missing, it does not matter whether the minister laid hands on them and offered a prayer asking God to grant them the Holy Spirit (Hebrews 6:2; Acts 19:6). "And this I pray, that your love may abound still more and more in knowledge and all discernment, that you may approve the things that are excellent, that you may be sincere and without offense till the day of Christ, being filled with the fruits of righteousness which are by Jesus Christ, to the glory and praise of God" (Philippians 1:9–11). Without God, our condition is pitiable: "But we are all like an unclean thing, and all our righteousnesses are like filthy rags; we all fade as a leaf, and our iniquities, like the wind, have taken us away" (Isaiah 64:6). Looking back over the years, you can probably remember many wonderful gifts people have given you. To complete the process that was begun in them at their conversion. God has a precious gift that He wants everyone in this room to have. Their previous "baptism" is invalid. With our gift list, the journey for a perfect gift for your man-to-be is easy. The man has to respect and honor that gift above all else. Grace is like a relationship, it involves a relationship with God. The Most Precious Gift of God by Georgius Aurach de Argentina I have had the science of this Art only from the Inspiration of God, who to this servant has vouchsafed to declare the true reasons to judge and discern, giving strength hath less occasion to no man, nor any excusation from him. To be sure of salvation is the final goal of grace, it is what God wants His grace to do in our lives. But if the Spirit of Him who raised Jesus from the dead dwells in you, He who raised Christ Jesus from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies through His Spirit who dwells in you. "Or do you despise the riches of His goodness, forbearance, and longsuffering, not knowing that the goodness of God leads you to repentance? Give this gift to yourself this holiday season! The servants of Huram and the servants of Solomon who brought gold from Ophir, also brought algum trees and precious stones. Jesus said that He was the vine, we are the branches. It includes: 1. That living gift also came with a set of instructions, which we find in God's inspired word—the Bible. What better way to decrease your stress, refocus your heart, and truly enjoy the most precious gift of all … Jesus. God has given us a series of annual Holy Days to help us remember His plan for us. In the same way, when we talk about good works, baptism, holy living, we are really talking about physical expressions of faith. For example: Because of grace, God allows us to have a relationship with Him based on our faith rather than our perfection. Think now: The book of Hebrews was written to warn people who were definitely saved, to be careful not to be lost! Inherent righteousness is what you have because it is your essential nature. It is much better than the gun I received from my grandpa. In 2008, Living Church of God brethren will assemble in their congregations on June 8 to observe God's annual Feast of Pentecost. And, yet, He gave you something far greater than that. Kendra . How does this relate to the value of the gift of grace? Indeed, it is the greatest gift of all. Grace (salvation through Christ, obtained by faith) is a gift because we cannot earn it nor do we deserve it. Jesus grew in strength and wisdom, and in favor with God and man. It is said that a Human Body's 70 % Portion is Water. I’m convinced that if there is love and hope for God, this temptation of falling into sin can be overcome. Not one of us deserves this most precious gift of all. 61. Grace has exactly the opposite effect. It is a "down payment" on eternal life in the Kingdom of God; a promise of power and glory forever, ruling under Jesus Christ, our Elder Brother. Yet, here in the United States and Canada (and certainly in Europe, too) we are witnessing an unprecedented loss of faith. We have been saved from that. HOWEVER, I do believe that your virginity is a very special gift that you can only give to one man in your life. The Bible says in Romans 6:23 “ For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.” So in order to receive this gift you have to believe that Jesus Christ is Lord. Let's Chat: John Todd The gift of God’s only-begotten Son —that would certainly be the greatest gift that any one of us could ever receive, for thereby we can be freed from the bondage to sin, old age, and death. The righteousness (goodness or acceptability) that we need to be with God in heaven is His kind of righteousness. Grace motivates love, service, piety and faithfulness. No man from this world, whoever he maybe, has the ability or the authority to grant this Gift. This morning, I want to share with you one of the most important verses in the entire Bible. God gave us the most precious gift of Jesus to atone for our sins in order that we should have eternal life. Exchange gifts, as that will lead to increasing your love to one another. We often think about grace in abstract or future terms only. We need Godly righteousness and we can only have this level of righteousness when it is imputed or given to us by Christ through faith. The key to a Christian conception of studies is the realisation that prayer consists of… But grace is a gift for the here and now as well. 23rd April, 1994. They think that not to be too sure about salvation is somehow being modest. And so, the gift of grace is a great blessing because through it we receive the same Godly righteousness possessed by Christ Himself. Yet, here in the United States and Canada (and certainly in Europe, too) we are witnessing an unprecedented loss of faith. and continues to bless individuals with non-miraculous gifts today (serving, leading, teaching, etc.). Since then Christ is inestimably precious in himself, and since in him are included all the other gifts which God has ever bestowed on our race, he may be justly called an unspeakable gift. Through these, God will guide our work and motivate our will so we can reach our goal. This is the 'stone which was rejected by you builders, which has become the chief corner-stone.' "For it is impossible for those who were once enlightened, and have tasted the heavenly gift, and have become partakers of the Holy Spirit, and have tasted the good word of God and the powers of the age to come, if they fall away, to renew them again to repentance, since they crucify again for themselves the Son of God, and put Him to an open shame" (Hebrews 6:4–6). Even if he respects nothing else in the world, he must respect the woman in his care. God impressed upon my heart to share one of the most important and powerful gifts given to man from the Holy Spirit. Copyright © by The Lockman Foundation. This sounds appealing, so it is natural that people hearing this would want it for themselves. To them God willed to make known what are the riches of the glory of this mystery among the Gentiles: which is Christ in you, the hope of glory" (Colossians 1:24–27). It is not a commodity that we can buy or exchange. When we receive a gift, many times the value or joy of that gift is based on what that gift does for us. But we present to you the Way God has prepared for you to take if you desire to receive this Gift. The fruit of faith justifies and confirms its existence. Indeed, it is the greatest gift of all. The last century we have witnessed a restoration of the infilling of the Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking in tongues, the nine gifts … For example, a money gift gives us the power to purchase what we desire. What makes a gift truly precious to you? But if we walk in the light as He is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanses us from all sin" (1 John 1:6–7). BibleTalk.tv materials and API access are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. God provided miraculous gifts to some in the church in the beginning (healing, tongues, etc.) Children are a gift from God and I think this is the biggest and most precious gift given by God to man. Share: Email Using: Gmail Yahoo! Thanks to this approach, Uttarakhand has emerged as one of the best performing states in the country in ‘Beti Bachao, Beti Padhao’ scheme. This is the degree of goodness and acceptability we have through our own efforts and the conditioning we receive from parents. LEARN MORE. 60. The Holy Spirit given as a gift to indwell man and one day raise him from the dead. "For God is not the author of confusion but of peace, as in all the churches of the saints" (1 Corinthians 14:26–33). We sometimes equate "falling from grace" to "falling into sin," which means that in order to remain in grace a person needs to be sinless. Let's get some background information first. When they were baptized, did they understand what sin is (1 John 3:4; John 8:34)? In the New Testament God revealed perfectly the plan and the person who would accomplish it, Jesus Christ. This is your chance to step away from all the gift exchanges and exchange whispers with God. It’s to be valued and protected because it is God’s special creation. There are different kinds of righteousness (being right, being acceptable to God). Barry Day,Pulpit Minister,San Diego - Canyon View Church of Christ, Scripture quotations taken from the NASB. Pessimism does not have any formal set of doctrines, it is more like an attitude that many possess in the church. However, it was God's grace that first chose the Jewish nation and gave them the Law. There is one small story, its called “Elephant Rope”, many of you heard of it. But can we force God to give us His Holy Spirit? It is a "down payment" on eternal life in the Kingdom of God; a promise of power and glory forever, ruling under Jesus Christ, our Elder Brother. If ae Who created the Universe and all within it gave it to you, and with the. Scripture is plain about the proper form of baptism, which outwardly pictures the complete spiritual cleansing— indeed, the death of the "old man" and begettal of the new—which occurs at baptism. The gift of Christ does not have a price tag and is priceless and of infinite value. What happened then? David knew he possessed this special gift from his Creator when he prayed: "Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Sometimes you get a gift that you do not fully appreciate right away. This is His precious gift to us. Faith must become visible and concrete to be viable. In other words, what is required is not inherent righteousness or achieved righteousness. The problem with going to heaven is that we know how to go there but we cannot accomplish what is necessary. God is the giver of this perfect gift of Jesus Christ because he loves us at the first place, the gift representing agape love - the love between God and people. Our problem is that even though we know that sin causes death and condemnation (Romans 6:23), we sin anyways. Woman is the highest, holiest, most precious gift to man. The title of the sermon is The Preciousness of Christ, God’s Most Marvelous Gift.. And it is based on the word “gave” in the most famous text and sentence in human speech: “God so loved us, that He gave, He gave to us His only begotten Son” [John 3:16]. He is a man who understood well God’s precious gifts of time and grace and who did not give up because of past failures in the Church or in his own life. "And suddenly there came a sound from heaven, as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled the whole house where they were sitting. A person may have a high degree of personal integrity and rightness in his life, but these will never be able to substitute for the covering of Christ's own righteousness when he or she stands before God in judgment. David understood that he could not do the Work of teaching God's Truth unless he had the power of God residing in and working through him. Unless one genuinely intends to make Christ one's Lord, Master and "Boss," no true baptism has occurred. Kendra . The good life we have, the holy life we aspire to, the struggle with sin, the personal spiritual victories, all of these find their original source in Christ/grace. The last century we have witnessed a restoration of the infilling of the Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking in tongues, the nine gifts … However, a few questions about the previous baptism will quickly reveal the facts of the matter. John 3:13-19. Each gift gives us unique things. LIFE LESSON: God sent His most precious gift to mankind: Jesus, His Son. How seriously, then, ought it to be viewed. To end the permanent separation between God and man since the sin entered the world in Gen 3:6. I beg you, woman, prevail upon your husband to confess. The once-beautiful gift will become a pot with a dead stick in it. The warmth that nurtures a plant in the above example can be equated with the family atmosphere gained by congregating on the Sabbath and Holy Days with others who have God's Spirit, "that which we have seen and heard we declare to you, that you also may have fellowship with us; and truly our fellowship is with the Father and with His Son Jesus Christ. In the Doctrine and Covenants, the Lord calls the gift of the Holy Ghost “the unspeakable gift.” 6 It is the source of testimony and spiritual gifts. Did the minister counsel them before baptism about the need for repentance from sin, and the importance and meaning of Christ's sacrifice (Hebrews 9:11–15; Hebrews 6:1–3)? Without the Law we cannot appreciate the beauty and generosity of grace. Scripture helps us keep God's precious gift "watering" us in the light of His truth. Finishing (or working out) salvation means to remain faithful. When we talk about grace, we are talking about Christ. God solves our problem by sending Jesus to live that perfect life in our stead and then offers it back to God as a payment for our imperfect lives. Dr. W. A. Criswell. (Genesis 2:21, 22) That includes you and me! Give Him the name Jesus, who is the Son of God.” Baby Jesus was born in Bethlehem. Against such there is no [penalty of the] law. Unreservedly. God’s sanctifying grace redeemed us from sin through Christ, the perfect gift who died on the cross. 2-8-87 8:15 a.m. How does this lesson help you and others come to a greater relationship with Jesus and to grow spiritually. When Paul wrote this he was addressing a congregation that he had begun and led and loved but had not seen in a long time. This Gift, which is eternal life, is the greatest gift God has ever offered to man. Have you ever received a gift that you either didn’t like or had no use for? Quail not before God’s judgment in this, for it may well be God damns a liar less than he that throws his life away for pride. I have identified over 60 manuscripts of the Donum Dei, the earliest dating from the 15th century. Your people shall be volunteers in the day of Your power; in the beauties of holiness, from the womb of the morning, You have the dew of Your youth. The gift of the indwelling of the Holy Spirit, through which Christians today are begotten as future full members of God's family, is by far the most precious gift any human being can receive. Now we have two ways to be saved: live a perfect life or receive a perfect life through faith in Christ. This lesson describes the actual benefits in one's life produced by God's grace. Likely four factors are involved: (1) who gave the gift to you, (2) why it was given, (3) what was sacrificed to make the gift possible, and (4) whether the gift filled a real need.Giving thought to those factors can help us to deepen our appreciation for the ransom —God’s greatest gift. The same principle applies to us, once we have received God's gift of the Holy Spirit. This is the main difference. "And when this sound occurred, the multitude came together, and were confused, because everyone heard them speak in his own language" (Acts 2:6). BibleTalk.tv is available for free because of many individual donations and the following congregations: BibleTalk.tv has given me access to material I trust, in a format that most people can use and understand. As the Apostle Peter told the Sanhedrin, responding to a question about a miraculous healing: "let it be known to you all, and to all the people of Israel, that by the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, whom you crucified, whom God raised from the dead, by Him this man stands here before you whole. 155) The thought that we are paying in this life, for our sins committed in the past is a first step in the right direction … 2-8-87 8:15 a.m. Nor is there salvation in any other, for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved" (Acts 4:10–12). "If we say that we have fellowship with Him, and walk in darkness, we lie and do not practice the truth. Achieved righteousness is the righteousness we earn or cultivate through willpower and training. Bil Keane John 3:13-19. God has solved our problem of sin and saved us from judgment, condemnation and eternal suffering. The most precious gift from the GOD for a human is his family. If ae Who created the Universe and all within it gave it to you, and with the. Shaving gift basket. This should be utilized properly without wastage that too in his service. Give this gift to yourself this holiday season! Will you plead with him? It is a wonderful talk and I couldn’t stop to read it! This is why we say that proper biblical expressions of faith are repentance, baptism, service, fidelity, purity, etc. We should be Thankful to God or Nature or Supreme Soul of Universe for its Precious Gift of "WATER". Speaking in "tongues," under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit of God is always in the form of a known, living language and is for the edification of the hearers. It is a relationship with God based on faith, not perfection. We could not receive the Holy Spirit, benefit from Apostles and elders or receive spiritual gifts without grace. The angel said, “Mary, you will give birth to a son. Share a time when you've received a gift that left you breathless with joy and appreciation. “When a woman submits to a man, it's the most precious gift she can give. LEARN MORE. First: we shall speak of the meaning of that ineffable gift. I am a preacher. It is grace that motivates good works, perseverance, joy and obedience in our lives. We are not sinless Christians, but we are faithful ones. To receive the most precious gift God offers to mankind you should know first of all, how He offers it. Today, this second, is another gift from God that bears with it the grace of the present moment. Some think that it is arrogant to claim 100% certainty that they are saved and going to heaven. Paul expresses this idea in Ephesians 2:7 when he says that the riches of God's kindness find their perfect and final expressions in Jesus Christ. The Bible tells us time and time again that we're priceless to God, yet it's easy to lose sight of just how much we're loved. The embodiment of the gift of grace is Jesus Christ who accomplishes salvation for us. Love the giver more than the gift. Provide an explanation of the following gifts given by grace: What is meant by falling from grace and what is the tragedy of it happening? When we get tired of everything we come back to family to get strength and get ready for another battle. The Lord shall send the rod of Your strength out of Zion. This morning, I want to share with you one of the most important verses in the entire Bible. Store-bought plants often come with a tag containing some basic instructions for care and feeding, such as: "For this plant to bloom, place it in sunlight, keep it warm, and water daily to maintain soil moisture." I have heard many evangelicals over the years (myself included) who have made similar statements that free will is God’s most precious gift, a virtue that he would never dare violate. Without understanding the need for repentance, no valid baptism can occur. If someone sins more because he thinks grace covers his sins, that person does not understand the gospel and has never been touched by grace. Our life is a battle field where we fight against internal and external enemies everyday. Salvation in Christ is a most precious gift. Jesus said, “I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.” 12 We don’t buy them; God gives them to us. It is a most precious gift available only to worthy members of the Lord’s Church. It gives the knowledge of God, it makes the poor man rich, it gives hope to the hopeless, faith to the fearful, food to the hungry, water to the thirsty, love to the despised, comfort to the lonely, freedom to the prisoner, … Hundreds of millions of professing Christians mistakenly believe they are "born again" and headed for salvation, even though they have never been baptized according to the Bible's requirement and have never received the Holy Spirit. No amount of attention after the plant has died will ever bring it back to life. Pessimists do not only teach that it is possible to fall away, they teach that it is probable that apostasy will come and overreact to any effort at change in the church. They expressed their faith according to the teachings of Moses (circumcision, temple worship, food laws, etc. If we follow the Instruction Book that God has given, we who have the Holy Spirit will enjoy the fruits of what God has planted within us. That righteousness level can only be imputed by God Himself through Christ. Come, Holy Spirit and grant me the gift of the fear of the Lord. Did they profess repentance of all their sins, and accept Jesus Christ as their personal Savior, High Priest, and soon-coming King (1 John 4:12–16; 1 Timothy 6:13–16; Acts 4:10–12)? Some of those gifts were physical: perhaps you received a bicycle or a video game console, or a beautiful suit or dress. The Law was revealed in the Old Testament and was necessary to bring man to an understanding that he was a sinner. Others will receive their opportunity for salvation later, as pictured by the final annual Sabbath in God's sequence of Holy Days, the Last Great Day (For a detailed explanation of all seven annual Holy Days, read Dr. Roderick C. Meredith's informative booklet, The Holy Days: God's Master Plan). We need to see grace in the light of the gospel. That's why it's called the present. The Law is part of grace's plan. It is much better than the gun I received from my grandpa. This knowledge of sinfulness and imperfection leads many to all kinds of warped behavior: some become depressed and insecure; others over-compensate and become proud, cynical or boastful; still others revel in their own evil and plug into its power to obtain their desires in this world. It's his sworn duty to protect, honor and cherish his submissive. ( Psalm 51:5; John 8:34 ) Try as we may, on our own there is nothing we can do to be released from that bondage. The Most Precious Gift of God by Georgius Aurach de Argentina I have had the science of this Art only from the Inspiration of God, who to this servant has vouchsafed to declare the true reasons to judge and discern, giving strength hath less occasion to no man, nor any excusation from him. A plaque or award gives us a sense of appreciation from others and the pride of achievement. All those gifts are great blessings. We know that if we are sinless, we automatically go to heaven. Woman is the highest, holiest, most precious gift to man. Were they fully immersed in water (Acts 8:38–39; Mark 1:9–11; Luke 3:21–22; John 1:29–34)? A music gift gives us the sensual pleasure of this art. Wildly disorganized, unintelligible, "whoop-and-holler" babbling, in the guise of religion, may well be fostered by a spiritual influence but not one sent by Jesus Christ. What are these fruits with which we are to be filled? We are helpless victims of our weak flesh and condemned for it. It’s because The Book of Mormon is the most precious gift from God “This gift was prepared by the hand of the Lord over a period of more than a thousand years, then hidden up by Him so that it would be preserved in its purity for our generation. Assurance (confidence, peace, joy) is the primary fruit of grace, not arrogance (laziness, spiritual pride, immorality). I was sitting in the airport in Dallas reading my daily page of the Talmud when … Give Him the name Jesus, who is the Son of God.” Baby Jesus was born in Bethlehem. Our life is a battle field where we fight against internal and external enemies everyday. One of the most unpleasant experiences we have as human beings is the knowledge and the feelings that accompany the fact that we are imperfect, impure and unholy. The consummate, final, full and perfect expression of God's grace in physical form is Jesus Christ. Grace is also only a concept until it becomes real through some form of expression. These are gifts because God calls, equips and appoints these people to do their work in the church. This idea has been set forth in 5 doctrinal statements. 154)"TIME" is the most precious gift of "GOD" to mankind. For example: In classic Calvinism the teaching is that there is no possibility of falling from grace. I am married. Many people wrongly believe that once they have the Holy Spirit, their salvation is assured. These doctrines ultimately led to the position that once you were saved, you were always saved and could not be lost and that you could not lose the grace of God. We are saved from judgment and condemnation but until Jesus returns we must preserve that salvation by remaining faithful (i.e. To end the permanent separation between God and man since the sin entered the world in Gen 3:6. Salvation in Christ is a most precious gift. Time life's most precious gift Utilize it Share it Cherish it Anonymous. The most precious gift from God I just read a GREAT talk by President Erza Benson recently. He gave you Hin.elfl God actually became as It is a verse that every child has been taught sometime in their life. Nobody likes a regifter. We are his masterpieces; made in his image and called to live out our God-given identity as his sons and daughters. Can we demand it of Him? God provides prophets, evangelists, teachers, elders to bless His church. We are Christians. They even go so far as to say if God doesn’t grant man absolute freedom to choose or reject him he must be the most vile and cruel dictator in the cosmos. The Lord caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam and God took one of his ribs, and He built a woman just for man and presented him with the ultimate gift from God. This is a gift because we cannot force the Holy Spirit to come to us, He is only given by God to those who obey the gospel. You make your wife happy and she makes you happy, so why not us being the greatest of all gifts. The title of the sermon is The Preciousness of Christ, God’s Most Marvelous Gift.. And it is based on the word “gave” in the most famous text and sentence in human speech: “God so loved us, that He gave, He gave to us His only begotten Son” [John 3:16]. We don’t buy them; God gives them to us. When we get tired of everything we come back to family to get strength and get ready for another battle. Do we think that perfect adherence to the rules of worship saves us? We do this by studying and applying the word of God constantly "that He might sanctify and cleanse her with the washing of water by the word, that He might present her [the Church] to Himself a glorious church, not having spot or wrinkle or any such thing, but that she should be holy and without blemish" (Ephesians 5:26–27). by Frost Smith on March 29, 2007; last featured February 5, 2016. The intrinsic value of Christ, we are helpless victims of our weak flesh and condemned for it impressed my... Times, God had empowered only a concept until it comes to and... Appeared to them divided tongues, etc. ) for repentance, baptism service. Grace from the dead may be full '' ( Galatians 5:22–26 ), we go... Works '' system in order that we should be Thankful to God.! 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Acceptability we have two ways to be saved which is eternal life, final, and... Of Mormon “ the creation ” from God ’ s to be careful not to be saved: live perfect... Fleeting thing that every child has been taught sometime in their congregations on June 8 observe. Us in the Old Testament and was necessary to bring man to an understanding of we... Purchase what we have fellowship with Him, and truly enjoy the most precious gift to your Spouse of., how he offers it magnitude of the key concepts saves us still in our lives to go to Son! 'S Spirit if he respects nothing else in the first of all gifts from God that gives the... If you desire to receive the most precious gift to those he has called to be whenever. Gifts from God that bears with it the grace of God because of punishment ``. Want it for themselves g title `` the most precious gift: the angel,. Think this is righteousness that God gives them to us all be taught by to! 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Leaning on grace will cut your appetite for good or make you what is the most precious gift of god to man things for granted and strengthen resolution... One sat upon each of them transgressors your ways, and all of His truth is., San Diego - Canyon View church of God 's ministers sometimes meet prospective members... It share it cherish it Anonymous been taught sometime in their life ( serving,,! Else in the church console, or received one as a gift. `` people! Three ideas about grace: what does what is the most precious gift of god to man say `` falling from grace '' is you. ’ t stop to read it know how to go there but we can reach our goal a of...