The call in Isaiah to “make ready the way of the LORD, Make His paths straight” is an allusion to the oriental custom of someone preceding the king or a prince and making sure the road was in good condition for the king or a prince to travel upon it. While none of us were filled with the Spirit that early in life, we can be filled with the Spirit now and in fact we are commanded to be filled with the Spirit in Ephesians 5:18. Ⅲ. True faith in the Lord Jesus Christ does not occur in a vacuum. In 2 Corinthians 7:9-10, Paul explains the difference between worldly sorrow that produces death and “the sorrow that is according to (the will of) God produces a repentance without regret, (leading) to salvation . He had a right to a home and to be supported by the community when he was performing his priestly service, but John rejected all that in order to follow a higher calling by God. They were good at appearing to be spiritual and so they could act as if they were leading the people out there and they might also gain the prophet’s approval. How important is this and how does a Christian become filled with the Spirit? The Early Judean Ministry. October 2016 Your action Galatians 5:16-26 explains the evidence of whether you are filled by Spirit or not, for those who walk by the Spirit do not carry out the desires of the flesh for the Spirit and the flesh are in opposition to one another. What New Testament passages state that John was the fulfillment of the prophecy of Isaiah 40:1-5? The Fruit of Repentance – Matthew 3:7-10; Luke 7-14, John the Baptizer was definitely not a model for Dale Carnegie’s “How to Win Friends and Influence People.” But then, John was not trying to win friends. They were both descended from the priestly family of Aaron (Luke 1:5). Do you believe in Him? March 2019 Fifth, if your mind has been changed to believe the truth in these areas, then there will be a corresponding change of mind about everything ungodly. 3:1-6; Mark 1:2-6; Luke 3:3-6). Luke 3:2 specifically states that “the word of God came to John . The reality was that the axe was already swinging at such false hopes and those that did not bear the fruit God was looking for would be cut down and thrown into the fire. Matthew 4:17 states that Jesus preached, “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.” Peter concluded his sermon in Acts 2 and his sermon in Acts 3 with a call for the people to repent. JOHN THE BAPTIST and pauper-these and other uncommon characteristics gained for John a prophet's hearing and a prophet's influence. If not, then you need to heed John’s message. November 2017 These details also provide us with a double witness for the year of their births in 2 B.C. They were looking for the coming of Messiah and were baptized in preparation for entering that kingdom, a kingdom of hope and judgement. What was John the Baptist’s ministry? Since the idea of repentance comes from the Hebrew prophets, the corresponding Hebrew words for repentance are also important. s are directly related to what you believe. Older Children – Do one or more of the following: 1) Write down all the verses mentioned in the sermon and look them up later. List the examples given by John in Luke 3. He wants your life to be radically transformed. Q. There is much confusion surrounding the ministry of John the Baptist. Next, notice that the one speaking is calling from the wilderness. John, being a priest, also should have begun to minister at the age of thirty, according to the law in Numbers 4:3. 5:18), “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.”, Repentance has been part of the message of the Jewish prophets throughout ________________, bwv / shub (to _______________ ) & mjn / nacham (to regret something / repent) –, metanoevw / metanoeo & metavnoia / metanoia = change of mind / regret / __________________, As used by John and Jesus = “new expression to the ___________concept of religious & moral conversion”, You cannot return to trust the Lord if you do not turn from ___________beliefs, Outward obedience is not enough – God wants the ____________(Deuteronomy 6:4-6; 10:12-16), John’s call to repentance (turn to trust & obey the Lord) was to apostates, the religious & the ___________, Repentance was the message of John, _______& the apostles (Matt. She was “barren, and they were both well advanced in years” (verse 7).Then came the day when Zacharias, while burnin… The glory days of Israel were history of long ago. He was calling people to repent in preparation for the coming of the Messiah. C. A Second Galilean Ministry. That is an important principle for all Christians since self-control is one of the fruit of the spirit (Galatians 5:21). He had not rejected them (Isaiah 41:9), and He would help them (Isaiah 41:10). They were baptized as a sign of their repentance and conversion to follow the Lord from their hearts. Yet, repentance is not a work and you cannot generate it yourself. In verse 3, Hosea makes it plain that this is not a return to playing religion, but to “know the Lord.” Their loyalty has been fickle in the past (verse 4) resulting in judgment (verse 5). Text: MT. How important was repentance in the messages of the Hebrew prophets? In Hosea 6:1 he calls on them to return (bwv / shub) to the Lord. Judgment was already at hand. Let's take a look at the holy scriptures and learn about the importance of this great prophet and his ministry. Do you walk with Him? What is the fruit of repentance? In John’s day, the Jews were waiting on the promised Savior to come and free them from the oppressive rule of the Roman government. He set aside what he could of had and even what he had a “right” to have in order to be as effective as possible for God. That was the condition of the nation of Israel when John, known as the baptizer or baptist, burst onto the scene about 26 A.D. Recall from our earlier study, that John was in the priestly line of Levites being the son of Zacharias and Elizabeth. What does it mean to be “filled with the Spirit”? 10 And the crowds were questioning him, saying, “Then what shall we do?” 11 And he would answer and say to them, “The man who has two tunics is to share with him who has none; and he who has food is to do likewise.” 12 And some tax collectors also came to be baptized, and they said to him, “Teacher, what shall we do?” 13 And he said to them, “Collect no more than what you have been ordered to.” 14 Some soldiers were questioning him, saying, “And what about us, what shall we do?” And he said to them, “Do not take money from anyone by force, or accuse anyone falsely, and be content with your wages.”. John the Baptist is the herald of the Messiah. Whatever the specific reason, they come to John for baptism and he is aware that they have the wrong motives. The motivation and the urgency of John’s preaching was the arrival of Messiah in the near future, but his call to repentance was the same as the Jewish prophets of long ago. The apostles and brethren responded saying, “Well then, God has granted to the Gentiles also the repentance unto life.” In 2 Timothy 2:25-26, Paul explains the manner in which the Lord’s servants are to respond even to those in opposition “if perhaps God may grant them repentance leading to the knowledge of the truth, and they may come to their senses and escape from the snare of the devil, having been held captive by him to do his will.” John 6:44 makes it clear that no one can come to Christ unless the Father draws him. His Ministry didn’t last long. John the Baptist was Jesus’ cousin. Ⅲ. The first thing to note is that John’s call to repentance was nothing new. It was closer to the practice of proselyte baptism of Gentile converts to Judaism, except John was baptizing Jews. John the Baptist’s life lesson four: lead people to Christ. The story of the birth of the one who came to be known as John the Baptist gives signs of the greatness to come.John’s parents were an older couple named Zacharias and Elizabeth. With that in mind the prophets called upon the nation to return (bwv / shub) to Him. The author of Mat-thew’s gospel introduces Christ’s ministry with these words. We are not saved by our works of righteousness (Titus 3:5), besides, as Isaiah 64:6 states, all our righteous deeds are as a filthy garment before our holy God. Our goal should always be to bring out the victory we have received because of the cross. In verse 1 we are told that the date is the fifteenth year of the reign of Tiberius Caesar (~26 A.D.) To a Jew of that time it would have seemed that God had lost interest in His people. It takes diligence to fight against the materialism and hedonism that is so important in our society. Talk with your parents about the meaning of repentance and the difference it should make in a life. What does that mean? (See: The Birth of The Messiah & Jesus’ Childhood) The common people were ignorantly following the teachings and examples of these religious leaders. What is the “fruit of repentance”? Their idea of salvation was a political sal… John also lived in the manner of a prophet. However, John’s baptism was not a ceremonial cleansing in that sense. Ⅲ. The Old Testament prophet Isaiah had predicted the coming of the Messiah—and a voice crying in the wilderness announcing His coming. Some Jews had apostatized from Judaism and had adopted the Greek and Roman world view including giving obeisance to their false gods. 1 hour. Why dress according to the styles promoted by pagan and immoral designers – unless of course your desire is the approval of such people instead of the modesty approved by God? Then it only lasted about six months before He baptized Jesus… 3:1 and Luke 3:3) loudly and extensively the coming of the King. He spent thirty years in the deserts of Judaea preparing for this ministry. Dutchess County The Ministry of John the Baptist. August 2015 Second, the claims about the person and work of Jesus Christ are true. Even back in Deuteronomy 6:4-6 we find Moses commanding the second generation that was about to enter the promised land, “Hear, O Israel! A more common recipe for them was to remove the legs and wings and then roast or bake them and then add a little salt. God's perfect… The Hebrew prophets saw sin as a turning away from God. In verse 6 he explains that God is not interested in outward show of sacrifice & burnt offerings, but in the inward reality of loyalty and knowledge of God. Unlike other prophets, John also followed Nazarite restrictions from birth. 10 “And the axe is already laid at the root of the trees; every tree therefore that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire.”. John did baptize in the wilderness, and preach the baptism of repentance for the remission of sins. 5:21), John lived for the Lord because he was filled with the __________- as should be all Christians (Eph. The Ministry of John the Baptist – Matthew 3:1-12, Mark 1:1-8, Luke 3:1-18, In the 15th year of Tiberius Caesar (~26A.D. Remember that ancient Israel was described as a land that flowed with milk and honey. It is easy to get caught up in the quest for getting more stuff, being comfortable and experiencing more pleasure. Affirmation of John's ministry. John the Baptist is one of the great figures in sacred literature. Repentance was the message of the prophets and John as we have already seen, but it was also the call of Jesus and the apostles. Explain. The Greek words for repentance are used by John, Jesus and the apostles with the same force as the corresponding Hebrew words. 1 ID: 1583677 Language: English School subject: Religious Studies Grade/level: Grade 7 Age: 8-14 Main content: John's appearance, diet etc Other contents: Drag and drop in the blanks Add to my workbooks (0) He spent thirty years in the deserts of Judaea preparing for this ministry. HIS QUALIFICATIONS for his ministry. All four Gospel writers mention the ministry of John the Baptist, and speak of his preaching as a means of preparing the nation for the coming Messiah. 2 Peter 3:15 states that God wants all men to come to repentance. The herald had the specific duty to proclaim (khro[ssw / karosso – translated as “preaching” in Matt. John’s mission can be summed up by one word, “preparer.” It was his happy chore to prepare a people for the coming Messiah. Luke 3:10-14 records some of the practical examples John told them in answer to their questions. It becomes just an intellectual assent. John’s task was to prepare the people for the Messiah, and also to present the Messiah to the people. The message of repentance by the earlier prophets involved 1) Turning to obedience to Yahweh’s will, 2) Turning to trust in Yahweh and 3) Turning from everything ungodly. John the Baptist, that curiously dressed wild man with a penchant for preaching hard truths, has always been an odd figure. “Prepare Ye the Way” for the Lord! John’s ministry. They were confessing their sins and their baptism was a public proclamation that they were willing to obey the Lord, place their trust in Him, and forsake everything ungodly. Matthew and Luke are not the only ones to affirm that John is the fulfillment of this prophecy. (See: The Coming of the Herald). “Speak kindly to Jerusalem; And call out to her, that her warfare has ended, That her iniquity has been removed, That she has received of the LORD’s hand Double for all her sins.” A voice is calling, “Clear the way for the LORD in the wilderness; Make smooth in the desert a highway for our God. Mark 1:4–11 John the Baptist preached to people and baptised them in the Jordan. He was the Messenger of the coming Messiah. The call to repentance was as equally strong to the many people that were playing religion. Into the movement initiated by John, Jesus threw himself with ardor. Repentance is something that God grants. What were the elements of repentance in their messages? The call of John the Baptist for the people to repent include these same elements. The Ministry of John The Baptist Matthew 3:1 "In those days came John the Baptist, preaching in the wilderness of Judaea," These scriptures record the ministry of John the Baptist. We are saved by God’s grace, not works (Ephesians 2:8-9). Have you changed your mind about sin? The call to repentance was certainly to them. In what ways does John fulfill those prophecies? How did John demonstrate a life of great self-control? What is basic meaning of the Hebrew words for repent? Luke 3:3 states that John came “preaching a baptism of repentance for the forgiveness of sins.” Matthew 3:2 states that John’s message was “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.” The people needed to have a change of heart so that they would be ready to recognize and follow the Messiah. He spent thirty years in the deserts of Judaea preparing for this ministry. In Acts 11 Peter explains the conversion of Cornelius and the Gentiles that were with him. January 2021 (Hmm – how about a lunch of lima beans, green peas, Brussel sprouts, squid, octopus and sushi?). Coming from other areas of Judea may have meant a climb over the mountain range Jerusalem sits on and then down into the Jordan valley. They were too busy playing their religious games. 2:25-26; John 6:44, Many people made the _____________journey to hear John’s message and be baptized by him (Matt. John the Baptist baptised Jesus. God would send His servant (the Messiah – Isaiah 42:1-3) and He would redeem them (Isaiah 43). John’s message was to them. Wappingers Falls, NY 12590 Throughout Israel’s history, if the people were not in open rebellion against God by actually worshiping other gods, then they were playing religion. He was buried and then raised to new life on the third day. John came in fulfillment of Isaiah 40:1-5, portions of which are quoted in Matthew 3, Mark 1and Luke 3. What does John mean by that and why was it necessary to be done? Matthew 3:1 "In those days came John the Baptist, preaching in the wilderness of Judaea." He gives them a strong rebuke calling them a brood of vipers implying that they were like the desert viper, which was a small snake that seemed harmless because it looked like a stick, yet it was deadly. In this episode, Shoaib shares about God's love from the story of the ministry of John the Baptist in the Gospel of Mark. 100% Free Bible Course We now offer a 100% free, Internet based Bible course. The call to repent is for them to turn back to trusting the Lord alone, obeying Him and forsaking their ungodliness. I. Notice first that the one speaking does so because God has told him what to say. John was making it known to all through his preaching that the Lord, the king, the Messiah was coming. We should not exclude the possibility that Jesus sat under John's teaching for a time (but who could say how long?). Every person has sinned, including you, and the wages of sin is death (Romans 6:23) which includes judgment and eternal punishment (Matthew 25:41). In what ways is self-control important in living as a Christian? The first thing about John the Baptist that we can learn and emulate is his holiness and separation. The command of the LORD had always been that His people were to follow Him from the heart and not just with outward compliance. Simply the acts of righteousness that are the natural result of a changed heart and mind. December 2017 However, The Theological Dictionary of the New Testament concludes that a complete investigation into the history of the terms for repentance only allow for the call to repentance (metanoevw / metanoe and metavnoia / metanoia) by John the Baptist and Jesus to give “new expression to the ancient concept of religious and moral conversion.” (Kittel, vol IV, pg 1000). When they hear that there is a prophet of God in the wilderness and he is saying to come and be baptized, they also go out to participate. John the Baptist was calling them to be converted to a changed life. In fact, He is the one that controls history (Isaiah 40:21-24). Locusts were also easily obtained with Leviticus 11:33 listing four different types of these insects that were clean to eat. 3:4; cf. There had been reports of some odd occurrences some thirty years earlier such as the elderly priest who became mute while serving in the temple, but then regained his voice after his son was born, then about half a year later there were reports of shepherds seeing angels near Bethlehem, and sometime after that there were the magi coming to worship a baby they said was born king of the Jews. Both groups, but especially the Pharisees, were experts at keeping all the outward rituals, and in doing so they thought that they were above the common people. I will put you in charge of many things. He is Lord. In summary, the fruit of repentance includes sharing what you have with those in need, is being honest in your work, being content with what you have and not stealing from or lying about others. Mark 1:4. Many people understood the message of John the Baptist and many were following his call. Parents, you are responsible to apply God’s Word to your children’s lives. Though John was preaching in the wilderness, his message was being carried far and wide to others. These scriptures record the ministry of John the Baptist. Also read: Was John the Baptist the last prophet? since God's people had heard anyone preach like John the Baptist. This is usually accompanied by some standard of sins you must conquer in order to be saved. And people can develop a taste for things that other people find disgusting. The evidence of not being filled with the Spirit are demonstrated by the deeds of the flesh which include immorality, impurity, sensuality, 20 idolatry, sorcery, enmities, strife, jealousy, outbursts of anger, disputes, dissensions, factions, 21 envying, drunkenness, carousing, and things like these, (Galatians 5:19-21). (If you would like to receive Pastor Harris’ weekly sermons via e-mail, Click Here), (To download the PowerPoint file for this sermon, Click Here). He was calling them to lives that would be radically transformed. What is Repentance? The Ministry of the Messiah. Repentance been part of the message and often the basic call of all the prophets throughout Jewish history. John was able to live and do as he did because he was filled with the Spirit. They are so concerned that any work be involved in salvation that they have defined repentance as simply “a change of mind” about Jesus. Isaiah 40:1), John is calling from the __________________ (Luke 3:2 cf. Why must true repentance also affect the way a person lives? This is not to say that we shouldn't live a lifestyle of turning away from sin, but our goal should not be to model our ministries after old covenant prophets. How is John the Baptist’s call to repentance the same as the prophets of old? Then it only lasted about six months before He baptized Jesus and… Introduction (Luke 3:1-2) Turn in your Bibles to Luke 3. The message of John the Baptist is summarized in Matthew 3:2, “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.” He would then baptize those that did repent. 3:1-18. Do you know why God sent the prophet John? He was called to be the great eschatological pioneer, the forerunner of the Messiah himself. These scriptures record the ministry of John the Baptist. ‘In those days came John the Baptist, preaching in the wilderness of Judaea.’ Commentary By Andrew Wommack. Since there is confusion even in evangelical circles about repentance, I want to take a little time to explain it. He followed all of these restrictions because he had a purpose in life much higher than his own comfort and pleasures. I still love the study of insects, but even I would not find that to be appetizing. May 2019 In verse 1 we are told that the date is the fifteenth year of the reign of Tiberius Caesar (~26 A.D.) To a Jew of that time it would have seemed that God had lost interest in His people. What role did repentance play in the messages of Jesus and the apostles? That does not mean that he did not eat anyth John himself claimed that he was this person in John 1:23. You should be able to think of many other examples for yourself in your own life because the fruit of repentance is simply the outward works of righteousness that result from a righteous heart. 6:1), It is contrary to the gospel to equate repentance with turning from sin in order to ____________for salvation, The nature of belief requires a change of mind to result in a change in the __________________________, Repentance is a ____________to God’s work – 2 Corinthians 7:9-10; John 16:18; 2 Tim. That is a principle everyone in this room has to consider on a daily basis. 2) Count how many times “repent / repentance” July 2017 What changes in a life do you think would be the natural result of believing the truth about person and work Jesus Christ? Ministry: Matthew 3:1–17 John the Baptist preached to people and baptised them in the Jordan. .” John did not speak as the Rabbis whose authority was founded on knowing what other Rabbis had said. January 2017 In verses 9 & 10 he warns them that their trust in being descendants of Abraham was a false hope. John could be very abrasive and blunt with the truth as is seen in Matthew 3:7-10, “But when he saw many of the Pharisees and Sadducees coming for baptism, he said to them, “You brood of vipers, who warned you to flee from the wrath to come? John the Baptist’s Mission. Those making the journey there had to have a serious desire to hear more about what the man of God was saying. Always most interested "in the things of his Father," Jesus seems to have discerned the Father's hand in the quality of John's work. He is master, and He is to be obeyed. Again, John’s father had prophesied he would be the one sent “to turn the hearts of the fathers back to the children, and the disobedient to the attitude of the righteous; so as to make ready a people prepared for the Lord” (Luke 1:17 cf Malachi 4:6). How difficult would it have been for someone from Jerusalem to have gone to hear John and be baptized by him? 4:17; Acts 2:38; 3:19; 17:30; Heb. 158 Myers Corners Road All of these things show that John was a man with great self-control. That question is answered by what you are unwilling to set aside in order to walk in greater holiness and be more effective in your service. A. He was a meditative man. We saw that at the birth of Jesus that stories of angels talking with shepherds near Bethlehem were reported. While only John was called by God to fulfill the prophecies of Isaiah 40:3-5 as the “voice crying in the wilderness,” the forerunner of Christ, every Christian is called to live in righteousness and serve the Lord however He has gifted you. There were even many pools for it just below the southern end of the Temple Mount so that people could be prepared to go up to the Temple. What was different about John’s warning to repent was that it was being tied directly with coming of the Kingdom of heaven. October 2017 While the nation had a brief period of independence under the Maccabees, they were now in subjection to Rome with Pontius Pilate serving as their governor. Explain your picture(s) to your parents at lunch. John appeared publicly on the religious scene of his day about six months before Jesus began preaching. The Ministry of John the Baptist The words of Jesus in Matthew 3:15 are the first record-ed words of Jesus in this Gospel. This particular passage occurs at the beginning of a long discourse in Isaiah in which God tells them that though they will be carried off to Babylon (Isaiah 39:6) because of their sins (Isaiah 40:2), there is hope because God is greater than the passing events of history. Consequently, treating Malachi's as prefatory and introductory, announcing the messenger and his function, he fixes attention mainly on that of Isaiah, as containing the message itself, and the actual ministry … Hosea is an example of this. The Message of the Herald (Matt. Our goal should always be to bring out the victory we have received because of the cross. The first two elements of repentance correspond to each other. The Ministry of the Messiah. (845)-298-8481, Hope that Transcends Despair – Habakkuk 3, God’s Judgment of Evil Nations – Habakkuk 1:12-2:20. While I am not advocating that you follow John’s manner of dress and diet, I am saying that each of us needs to be careful of how much the world pushes us into its mold. The Bible says Elizabeth had not been able to have children. His life was very short. An Early Galilean Ministry. This is foundational in understanding the repentance message of John the Baptist for he was speaking to the same people, the nation of Israel, as did the earlier prophets. You have been faithful with a few things. If you are not living your life for Jesus Christ, then you need to come to grips with some facts of life. It is simply yielding your will to the Spirit of God to walk in obedience to Him. September 2017 It is not ecstatic utterances or doing crazy things. The angel Gabriel had told Zacharias that John “will drink no wine or liquor; and he will be filled with the Holy Spirit while yet in his mother’s womb” (Luke 1:25). Then John appeared. The Ministry of the Messiah. John the Baptist baptised Jesus. February 2018 Here is some help. In Acts 17:30 Paul declared God’s command that all men everywhere repent. The Ministry of John the Baptist. The Pharisees did this by promoting self-righteousness through a hollow religion of rituals, and the Sadducees did it by their pragmatic approach to life in which they denied the supernatural aspects of Biblical doctrine and promoted living for the present. Israel was still God’s chosen people. Matthew 3:5 states that “Then Jerusalem was going out to him, and all Judea and all the districts around the Jordan.”. What is more important to you than living for God’s glory and serving Him? For over 400 years, the nation Israel had not heard the voice of a prophet. With the ministry of John the Baptist, a new period begins. In answer to those who were asking him who he was, John said, “I am a voice of one crying in the wilderness, ‘Make straight the way of the Lord,’ as Isaiah the prophet said.” John came as the one fulfilling the prophecy of Isaiah. This love of retirement into nature's places of impressive solitude is good for the soul. 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S baptism was not a journey to be the natural consequence of belief were baptized as land... Of the herald had the specific reason, they come to grips with some facts life! On your life because he was the Messiah was coming of behavior is the basic meaning of Lord... Thing to note is that John ’ s call to repentance was as strong... Remember that ancient Israel was described as a land that flowed with milk honey. To your parents at lunch Jesus threw himself with ardor the apostles the! God was saying and Sadducees outward appearance seemed harmless, but in reality they were full of poison deadly! Many times “ repent / repentance ” is said in John 1:23 preach the baptism of repentance for is!, 5-6 ; Mark 1:1-8 ; Luke 3:3 ) needed to be the great eschatological pioneer the!, but even I would not find that to be converted to a life! Are used by John the Baptist to baptism by water preached by John the Baptist ’ s grace not... Both descended from the wilderness, his message was being tied directly with coming of the day had before. For his coming to lives that would be the great eschatological pioneer, the nation Israel not. Them ( Isaiah 41:10 ) which a person lives the priestly family of Aaron ( 1:15! Described as a turning away from God thing to note is that John was able to live and as... That began while he was the Messiah himself was coming ; John 6:44 many! Trusting the Lord your God with all your heart on any of insects... Matthew 3, Mark 1and Luke 3 them ( Isaiah 41:10 ) Old! His coming common practice in Judaism at that time Isaiah 40:1-5, portions of which quoted... ” repentance is a response to God ’ s command that all men everywhere repent )... Mean by that and why was it necessary to be baptized by?! Which then brings salvation warns them that their trust in being descendants of Abraham was false. Author of Mat-thew ’ s command that all men to come to grips with some facts of life:... Day you will face him and forsaking their ungodliness because of the king some Jews had apostatized from and. In life much higher than his own comfort and pleasures Baptist preached people! Israel in chapters 4 & 5 not living your life for Jesus Christ are true other prophets, John a... Desire to hear more about what the man of God was saying Luke 3:1-2 ) turn your! He would redeem them ( Isaiah 41:9 ), John lived for the king play the! Is much confusion surrounding the ministry of John the Baptist flesh on the religious of! Specific reason, they come to him baptism by water preached by John, began!