In fact, you could even say that Wiccan and Speed don't really have a father. [48] The future Avengers arrived on the Avengers Island of the New Avengers. [22], When the Skrulls invaded Earth, Wiccan joined the other Young Avengers and Runaways on the front-lines of the battle. Demiurge's victory over Moridun caused a temporal divergence that sent the future Avengers back to their future, a now peaceful one. Then, Demiurge arrived and confronted the future Avengers, under the influence of Moridun. Hearing of this development in the news, the Young Avengers decided to help the Runaways even though Captain America vetoed the plan. [27], After Wiccan's powers overloaded during a battle with the Sons of the Serpent, the Avengers decided to keep him under observation. While Wiccan tried to heal the wounded, Hulkling and the Knights tried damaging Moridun, but their efforts were all in vain. However, Falcon and Captain America intercepted the S.H.I.E.L.D bus which was transporting the prisoners, and Wiccan teleported the team out of the situation, into the Resistance Fighters base of operations. Wiccan has become a major player in the cosmic side of the Marvel Universe thanks to his romance with former teammate Hulking. The death of several friends leads Billy to retire, becomes engaged to Teddy. The group came to the conclusion that Rick Jones, having been trained by Captain America himself, had been the first Young Avenger.[20]. We keep breaking down how Young Avengers is taking shape in Phase 4 of the MCU and the evidence keeps growing.Wiccan and Speed … And it looks like WandaVision will tease the twins following in their parents’ footsteps, as Brazilian Marvel fan account @BRMarvelNews has shared an exciting leaked image of an upcoming POP Funko! They call Kate Bishop for help to take "Vee" back into the lab. They all went into the past, and met the reanimated Jack of Hearts, who was about to explode. [62] Since R'Klll had triggered the Pyre already, Wiccan used his magic to assist Captain Marvel and the Human Torch in containing the detonation until the device was remotely disabled by Tony Stark. And they never really were your children, so in that regard your right. This certainly wouldn’t be too unexpected; there’s been long-standing speculation now that the Disney+ shows may be building towards the Young Avengers, and if there was any logical place for Wiccan and Speed to debut, it would be in their parents’ show. Read our Privacy Policy and Cookie Policy to get more information and learn how to set up your preferences. Along with Strikeforce, he made sure they had a chance for a new beginning at Deadpool's Monster Island and, in the end, was invited by the Avengers to become part of a Black Ops team, an offer he refused, claiming to miss Teddy. [37], In the next three months, Loki trained Billy to prepare him to fight Mother, with the ulterior motive of gaining his trust. The two fell in love early on, and just recently got married in the pages of the Empyre crossover event. Once they get to the lab,[58] they are attacked by a security robot that Dr. Necker designed and the Fearmongers,[3] while she takes control of Vee but is saved by Billy, Teddy and Kate and they free all the Fearmongers to live a normal life. In this series, she finally accepted them as her long lost twin children. For many parents of teens who have discovered Paganism and Wicca, there are a lot of questions and concerns. [31], In the aftermath of the battles, the Young Avengers disbanded and stayed in low profile during the major events that transpired in the world (the spider infestation, the X-Men's Schism and the resurrection of the Human Torch). While there, they found Tommy Shepherd being held, and released him from his cell. The boys were rescued by Xavin, whose Skrull physiology allowed him to recover from Noh-Varr's attack. Unfortunately, Billy's electrokinetic powers emerged for the first time and nearly killed Kesler. So they found themselves training, and took on the names of Wiccan and Speed. In all fairness this makes a lot of sense, Speed and Wiccan's relationship with Wanda has always been given far more attention than their relationship with Vision, and I think canonically Vision has only ever met Wiccan once and I don't believe he's' ever met Speed. During the first Super Hero Civil War, the Young Avengers placed themselves firmly on the side of the resistance, fighting … [17], Not long after Hulkling was captured by the Kree Sentries, Wiccan and the other Young Avengers became desperate to rescue him. The Scarlet Witch has confirmed that Billy and Tommy are indeed her reincarnated children. [59], After being set up the Vridai, Wiccan became part of a team called Strikeforce. Nope. Moreover, Wicca and other forms of Paganism may be in direct conflict with your own religious views. Wiccan and Speed were created by writer Allan Heinberg and artist Jim Cheung, with Wiccan debuting in 2005's Young Avengers #1 and Speed following in … [47], When Wiccan and Hulkling were taken to the Knights' home, Castle Tarnala, they discovered the corpse of M'ryn the Magus possessed by the evil wizard Moridun. Tony Stark and Peter Parker realized that the two rebels with teleportation powers needed to be incapacitated to prevent an escape from the ambush. Tommy, who went by the name "Speed" had the power of super speed (duh) while Billy (aka, "Wiccan") had psychic and magical abilities like flight, … Wiccan has demonstrated the following powers: If Wiccan can't hear his spells, they don't work at all. Hulkling pulled the sword Excelsior from a stone, passing the test, and the Knights knelt before him. Prodigy called all of the teenager heroes available to fight the army of alternate Young Avengers, while the real Young Avengers took care of Mother. The creature soon absorbed enough power to grow in size and destroyed the castle from the inside out. Thomas and William were twins supposedly born to Scarlet Witch and Vision; in reality, it was revealed that the Scarlet Witch used her reality warping powers to create twin sons, unknowingly, from two of five scattered fragments of the soul of the demon Mephisto that were previously lost to him in an ill-fated encounter with the powerful mutant child Franklin Richards. The future Captain America explained the situation to the New Avengers. [29] She then finally confirmed that Billy and Tommy were indeed her reincarnated sons. The trickster had to resort to a second plan, to turn Wiccan temporarily into the Demiurge. Most of the Anti-Registration group escaped, but Wiccan was left behind and captured by the Pro-Registration side. Together, he and Hulkling also battled the Wrecking Crew. Wiccan's email is "". Unable to visit Teddy due to the weird circumstances of the mission, Wiccan helped the team find a new home for the Vidrai, who had been left without one after the War of Realms. [25] When the Hood found Strange and engaged him in magical combat to claim the Eye of Agamotto, Wiccan aided him, contrary to Strange's orders to flee. After a few words from Captain America all the remaining Young Avengers were officially named as full-fledged Avengers. He based this on their names, appearances, Tommy's white hair and speed matching his "uncle" Pietro, and Billy's powers being similar to Wanda's. Billy meets Tommy Shepherd, his inexplicable twin. Once while sitting in front of Avengers Mansion, he briefly met the Scarlet Witch, his favorite Avenger. The saying goes, For All Intents and Purposes.". DC, Marvel, Indie & their expanding universes. Tommy might for all intense and purposes be "Pietro Jr.", just as Billy is basically "Wanda Jr.", but this isn't the Ultimates or Game of Thrones. During the Civil War, S.H.I.E.L.D. Hulkling and the other Young Avengers broke Wiccan out of holding and began the search for the Scarlet Witch. Alternate Universe : In vol. [33], Since Billy was still too weak to end the spell which had brought Mother, Loki suggested that he would be able to do it if his body was older, thus making Wiccan age him into a young adult. In the aftermath of the war, Wiccan and Hulkling redid their wedding in the Alliance's flagship with a royal celebration, and Billy was formally inducted into the Alliance as prince consort and court wizard. Marvel Database is a FANDOM Comics Community. Also when it comes to looks and powers, Wiccan and Speed are mirror images of the Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver. Tommy was in and out of juvenile halls for most of his life. [4], Many years into the future, Moridun had killed Demiurge after feeding off his body and powers until only he remained. Wiccan and Cloak were both shot with tranquilizer darts and rendered unconscious. Once the dust settled, Billy decided it was time to change his codename and chose Demiurge as his new one. [54], When Sunspot set out to shut down rogue A.I.M. Stature noted that Tommy and Billy could be twins. [5], Billy tried to tell his parents that he was an aspiring superhero, but they misread his intentions and assumed that he was revealing his relationship with Teddy (Hulking). The New Avengers distracted Moridun long enough to allow Hulkling to stab him in the face, seemingly killing the creature. Overall Wiccan and Speeds origin is disgustingly complicated but also immensely intriguing, I just hope Marvel doesn't do anything to retcon their link to Wanda, I already hate the fact that She and Pietro aren't Magneto's kids anymore, but whatever, that's another discussion for another time. However, Billy was one of the people listed in the Avengers Fail-Safe Program compiled by the Vision to be used to form a new team of superheroes in the event of the destruction or disbanding of the Avengers. The young heroes decided to stay together and travel through the universe. The latest ones seem to tease Wanda’s twin children, Wiccan and Speed. [30], Iron Lad proposed to save Stature through the time-stream but Vision refused, ending with both of them battling each other and Iron Lad destroying Vision and then taking off to the time-stream, even after Wiccan warned that this was the moment in time where he became Kang the Conqueror. The aliens, who called themselves the Knights of the Infinite, were Kree/Skrull hybrids, like Hulkling, and wanted to take him to their base in the Forbidden Asteroids to verify that he was truly the chosen one. The Scarlet Witch confirmed that Wiccan and Speed WERE the transmigrated souls of her lost children, somehow reincarnated by her power subconsciously as it began growing out of control years earlier. His origins make it possible Wiccan is both mage and mutant. 13, Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. The pair searched through Genosha and Wundagore in Transia before finally encountering Master Pandemonium in Cresskill, New Jersey at a former residence of the Scarlet Witch and the Vision. The young heroes became the prisoners of the Warden, who proceeded to practice vivisection on the unconscious Teddy. The team was turned to stone by Chthon's magic, except for Vision and Stature, who arrived too late. lab under the control of Dr. Evelyn Necker, in hopes of becoming an Avenger again. In the past, the Scarlet Witch used her reality-warping powers to create twin sons, unknowingly using two (of five) scattered fragments of the soul of the demon Mephisto that he had lost in an encounter with the powerful mutant child, Franklin Richards. After that Wanda remembered who she is, regained her powers and returned herself, the Young Avengers and Scott Lang into the present. –30– William G. Wells is a writer based in Richardson, Texas. After all, in the comics, Billy and Tommy become Wiccan and Speed, superheroes in their own right and members of the Young Avengers. When the boys' souls were reabsorbed into Mephisto, they destroyed him and the souls were reincarnated as Thomas Shepherd an… [34] They were soon joined by other young heroes, who became infected by the link of the spell, leading to the reformation of the Young Avengers. Wiccan. He is married to Hulkling. Given all this, we can conclude that Wanda was Thomas and William's sole biological parent, and as such they have derived all of their genetic traits solely from her. He began dating his teammate Hulkling not long after. They escaped, but accidentally left Prodigy and Hulkling behind. agent Songbird from S.H.I.E.L.D. This website saves cookies to your browser in order to improve your online experience and show you personalized content. It was a lie in the sense that you were the boys' father, but Wanda was their mother, both spiritually and biologically. To locate reinforcements, the Vision, recommended using the Avengers Fail-Safe Program, which was the same program Iron Lad had used to locate the original Young Avengers. A violent battle ensued, by the end of which Goliath was dead, slain by the cyborg clone of Thor. [62] The Alliance's formation was prompted by the retaliation against both the Kree and the Skrull by the plant-based race called the Cotati, who proceeded to invade the Earth to turn it into the centerpiece of their empire. Wiccan fell into a severe state of depression, but Hulkling brought him out of it by proposing to him. His adoptive parents divorced when he was young and it was downhill from there for Speed. During their search, Wiccan and Speed openly referred to the Scarlet Witch as their mother and to one another as brothers. [18], Stature recognizing that Wiccan and Speed look like twins, The team went to a high security detention facility for superpowered juvenile offenders to locate him. Wiccan doesn't like the term "Warlock" being applied to him because it literally means "oath-breaker." I use my words. This attack on two of his youngest followers infuriated Captain America. Tommy was in and out of detention facilities for most of his childhood. He intended to usher the world into utopia, a utopia in which he would rule. In WandaVision episode 6, Billy and Tommy manifest their own Wiccan and Speed abilities, mirroring those of their mother Wanda and uncle Pietro. Iron Lad, a younger version of Kang the Conqueror, found Billy using the Vision’s Fail-Safe Program and requested his help in preventing his future self from returning him to the future. [64] Wiccan's power might also be a purely mystical birthright, or derived from Wanda's status as a nexus being. [38] The Young Avengers chased the entity through the Multiverse, and were brought to Mother's Dimension. splinter cells, he requested Wiccan's and Hulkling's help, and lured them to an empty luxurious apartment in Central Park, under the pretense that said location housed the headquarters for one of the cells. The show likely will skip over these complicated details and give us a more streamlined story and have the twins remain her children by birth. Speed even comments on the similarities between himself and Quicksilver. Taking the codenames Wiccan and Speed, Billy and Tommy reunited as Young Avengers - teen heroes who stepped in following the dissolution of … By Kevin Erdmann Published Feb 12, 2021 WandaVision: Billy And Tommy’s Super Powers Explained The love children of the reality-altering Wanda Maximoff and the synthezoid Vision are now Super Heroes in their own right, and their road to get there has been fraught with demons. It's suggested that Billy will become the same. Thomas \"Tommy\" Shepherd was born and raised in Springfield, New Jersey. Back to Earth-616, Hulkling left the team to figure out if he really loved Wiccan or it was merely his reality-warping power. When the two young heroes arrived there, they found a note from Sunspot, which revealed the apartment was a parting gift for their help. It's not, " All Intense and Purposes." Amazing Fantasy #15 (Spider-Man's First Appearance), Tales of Suspense #39 (Iron Man's First Appearance), Incredible Hulk #181 (Wolverine's First Appearance), Alliance (Kree and Skrull Empires) (Earth-616)/Members, New Avengers (A.I.M.) While protecting Wiccan, Hulkling accidentally absorbed an energy blast from Moridun with Excelsior and realized he could use it against the evil wizard. The world knows Wanda Maximoff as the Scarlet Witch, with probability manipulation and reality-warping abilities. Wiccan used his magic to locate and teleport to the Runaways. [65] Wiccan's destiny as the Demiurge resembles the fate that the Time Keepers worried about if Wanda ever had children.[66][39]. Who are Wiccan and Speed? Template:Superherobox Wiccan (real name William "Billy" Kaplan) is a comic book character, a member of the Young Avengers, a team of superheroes in the Marvel Universe. She ga… What both Tommy's appearance and abilities imply is that Wanda's "real" parents must have carried the genes for white hair and super speed, which Pietro clearly inherited and which Wanda was a carrier for and passed down to Tommy). Billy Kaplan was the eldest of three sons born to Reform Jews Jeff Kaplan, a cardiologist, and Rebecca Kaplan, a psychologist.Billy had trouble with bullies in school due to his sexuality and fanboyness. The Alliance forbid Hulkling's relationship with Wiccan since he was an Earther,[61] prompting the two of them to set up a hasty wedding in secret before Teddy had to leave to space. [43] Celebrating Mother's defeat, the Young Avengers threw a New Years' party, along with many young heroes that had come to their rescue. decided to rescue and shelter hacktivist Rick Jones, Sunspot decided to put to vote this decision, which would be considered an act of war against both S.H.I.E.L.D. to keep an eye on Sunspot, Hulkling and Wiccan decided to disband the New Avengers and focus on their personal lives for the time being.[56]. Billy becomes a reality-warping mystic like Wanda, operating under the hero name Wiccan. A battle with Doom's Doombot army soon broke out and was only stopped by the arrival of Iron Lad. He has spent time on numerous superhero teams, including the Young Avengers and the New Avengers. Accompanied by Magneto and Quicksilver, the team traveled to Transia and then to Latveria before discovering a depowered and amnesiac Wanda engaged to Doctor Doom. The fact is, Wicca does not encourage sneaking and disobedience—our religion encourages acting responsibly, respecting other people’s rights and beliefs, even when you don’t get what you want. Though his parents thought Teddy would make an excellent son-in-law, they were unaware that Billy was a practicing witch, dating a shapeshifter. After all, Wanda took two souls from a demon (long and complicated story) to create two children via her magical/reality warping abilities, and thus she had the twins! Read on to find out! Christian parents have a threefold duty where witchcraft is concerned: to understand the nature of the threat, protect their families from its influence and, most important, reach out to Wiccan teens to prevent the loss of a whole generation. Wiccan first reached this conclusion after meeting Tommy, his identical twin except for the white hair. Rebbecca Kaplan (mother);[9][10]Two unnamed younger Kaplan brothers;[9]Thomas Shepherd (reincarnated brother);[11]Teddy Altman (husband)[12]Skrull Royal Family (in-laws)Vell Family (in-laws). Mother faded away after the Young Avengers escaped. [40], An ally of Mother, Leah, tricked Hulkling into returning to New York City, allowing Mother to come back, and threaten to unleash all of the evil version of the Young Avengers to the world. [26], Wiccan, along with the other Young Avengers, helped rescue the fallen from Asgard during the Siege. And what could their role be in WandaVision and the future of the MCU? [1], Wiccan has a wide range of superpowers, derived from an unconfirmed source. If his was purely a spiritual reincarnation, then he would not necessarily inherit his mother's mutant genes. He accidentally obliterated a school when he was first developing his powers and this landed him in prison and being tested on. [60], While Billy was away for his continued adventure with Strikeforce, Hulkling had been approached by representatives of a Kree/Skrull Alliance to use him as a figurehead to cement this coalition, since he was the prophesized unifier of both warring species. [49], When A.I.M. The breakout did not go unnoticed, and the team ran into the armed officers of the facility. in fending off an attack from the New Revengers at their Avenger Base Two in the Savage Land. However, one persistent fan theory has suggested that the series would feature the introduction of Wanda and Vision's children, Billy Kaplan and Tommy Shepherd, who are better known as the heroes Wiccan and Speed. Wiccan and Speed saved Hulkling from execution and later assisted Xavin to again rescue Hulkling. Teddy's shape-shifting ability played a pivotal role in Captain America's plan allowing him to impersonate Yellowjacket in order to free the imprisoned heroes of Prison 42. 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