Militant states rarely prepare for conflict and then back down. Founding Chairman of Quilliam Maajid Nawaz believes “China is preparing for war” as tensions between Beijing and the west increase due to a proposed investigation into the origins of COVID-19. Australia is in the crosshairs of this new great power rivalry: on one side the US, our key strategic ally, and on the other our biggest trading partner, China. The archives of The Common Sense Radio Show Are Available on Megaphone and Global Star. March 16, 2021. India faces much more immediate and perilous threats than Australia. Rudd calls it a "realist view" of the world order. Yet there is another lesson of history: America helped open up China; its markets made China rich. “They are cultural.”, Analysts and academics have severely criticized Huntington’s seminal 1996 book, yet whether or not this work is fundamentally flawed, Xi Jinping is in fact trying to remake the world order by leading “the East” in a civilizational struggle with “the West.”. This service may include material from Agence France-Presse (AFP), APTN, Reuters, AAP, CNN and the BBC World Service which is copyright and cannot be reproduced. The Longer Telegram provides an important clue as to what options the Pentagon and the White House are considering as part of an expected new strategy to face the rise of China. All of these efforts will take time. Harvard University military historian Graham Allison says any conflict would "get worse before it gets worse", meaning it will escalate to drag in countries throughout the Indo-Pacific, perhaps even globally. It appears as a 20th century solution — maintaining US hegemony — to a 21st century problem of incorporating and balancing rising Chinese authoritarian power. It has a long history of remaining non-aligned. MISSILES, warships and heavy artillery showcase China’s military capabilities as it flaunts footage of its troops training for war after President Xi Jinping urged “full combat-readiness”. Tensions between the United States and China seem to be growing by the day, prompting some in Washington to worry about a potential military conflict between our … “Everything Washington talks about is centered on the U.S., and on white supremacy,” the Global Times, controlled by the Party, stated in an editorial on March 19, referring to the darker skin tones of America’s “few allies” in the region. The South China Morning Post reported the 2021 mobilization order is a departure from last year’s mobilization order, in which Xi instructed China’s armed forces to “manage crises and deter war.” The CMC readout of the 2021 mobilization order states, “Training under real combat conditions must be deepened and all military training should be war-centered and conducive to improving combat … The Party’s Global Times called the two presentations “seriously overtime.” The foreign ministry’s Zhao said the overrun prompted the Chinese side to launch into its two presentations, which lasted 20 minutes and 23 seconds, well over their allotted four minutes. The blacks, the whites, and the Chicanos would fight along racial lines which would weaken America. China, Xi said, won "with less steel and more spirit". The Wall Street Journal, and right after it USNI News, a specialized American naval publication, are releasing materials how the US Marine Corps is strategically reorienting itself toward China.And Major Joshua Benson, a spokesman for the Marine Corps Combat Development Command, states directly on USNI News that the US Marine Corps is rebuilding its forces for naval expeditionary … Tokyo has so far successfully (more successfully than Australia) managed its relationship with China, its biggest trading partner — despite historic enmity and ongoing territorial disputes. December 10, 2020 The Marshall Report China Panics as the US military joins plans with the Japanese government to start construction of an airfield and other related facilities as a joint force in the South China Sea. We know it as the Korean War, the Chinese call it the "War to Resist American Aggression and Aid Korea". He's echoing the sentiment of another former prime minister, Paul Keating, who in a speech in 2014 asked if it was time to build a new strategic order. The WPS is our 200-mile exclusive economic zone under the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea. The Common Sense Show features a wide variety of important topics that range from the loss of constitutional liberties, to the subsequent implementation of a police state under world governance, to exploring the limits of human potential. General Xu Qiliang, second in command of China’s armed forces after Xi Jinping, believes a major war is “inevitable” because China … Australia joins US to prepare for ‘worst-case’ war training at Cope North 2021. What none of us know is where the clock is at in relation to China. AEST = Australian Eastern Standard Time which is 10 hours ahead of GMT (Greenwich Mean Time), Australia's place in the global order is shifting, If Morrison's defence strategy sounds like war talk, that's because it is, Victorian man who partially destroyed Aboriginal heritage site 'really sorry', Former Australia Post CEO hits back over watches scandal, alleges she was 'unlawfully' stood down in Senate submission, Six doctors, CNN correspondents detained outside Alexei Navalny's prison, Cheap and easy flights to New Zealand? China, for example has tried to divide Canada along racial lines. The ruthless excesses of Xi Jinping can't be ignored and nations like Australia are right to defend their interests. The ghosts of wars past are stirring again. This theme evokes what Imperial Japan tried to do with its notorious Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere, beginning in the 1930s, an attempt to unite Asians against whites. They show all the signs of a nation preparing to attack America. A Chinese state media opinion piece last year warned the US that victory in Korea "is a reminder that China has never been afraid". Beijing has played the race card in North America for some years. The term is, more worryingly, also especially emotion-packed, a word Chinese propagandists use when they want to rile mainland Chinese audiences by reminding them of foreign — British and white — exploitation of China in the Opium War period of the 19th century. By Kit Daniels | INFOWARS.COM Wednesday, March 10, 2021 China must prepare for an “inevitable” war with a “dominant power,” says the country’s top general. American power was no longer uncontested, Keating argued, and China's rise was undeniable. Ruler Xi Jinping’s new narrative is that China is leading the “East.” In a landmark speech he gave at the end of last year, he stated “the East is rising and the West is declining.”. Prepare for war with China. Simply: tell the Americans that China is not afraid, it was victorious once, and will be again. Founding Chairman of Quilliam Maajid Nawaz believes “China is preparing for war” as tensions between Beijing and the west increase due to a proposed investigation into … Lu Shaye, when he was Beijing’s ambassador to Canada, railed against “Western egotism and white supremacy” in an unsuccessful attempt in early 2019 to win the immediate release of Meng Wanzhou, the chief financial officer of Huawei Technologies, detained by Canadian authorities pending extradition proceedings instituted by the Trump Justice Department. US must prepare for cold war with China GETTY IMAGES BY LAWRENCE J. HAAS, OPINION CONTRIBUTOR The views expressed by contributors are their own and not the view of The Hill The United States and China show growing signs of entering a long-term cold war, strikingly similar to the U.S.-Soviet cold war of decades past… By John Varga PUBLISHED: 00:28, Mon, Mar 29, 2021 It faces a nuclear armed hostile neighbour, Pakistan, that has close ties with China. Yang Jiechi, China’s top diplomat, and his subordinate, Foreign Minister Wang Yi, were mostly reading from prepared texts, suggesting that much of their remarks — in reality a tirade — was planned well in advance. Britain's empire was built on brutal colonisation and war, including war with China. RED ALERT: China Is Winning the Great 21st Century Tech War, 2021-03-09 Biden: It's Okay to Finance China's Military , 2021-02-25 As China's Big Tech Hits America, Biden Signals Surrender , 2021-02-17 The dominion voting machines show China was behind Joe Biden and the Democrats stealing the election from Donald Trump last November. We are paying a price with a deteriorating relationship with China and our exporters are suffering. The so-called Quad grouping — Australia, India, Japan and US — is stepping up its cooperation to try to contain or thwart China's ambitions and increasing aggressiveness. Would it stay the course if tensions escalate? China’s expansive claims trespass the West Philippine Sea. Of course, Japan is closely aligned to the US. It clashed with China last year along their disputed border, with casualties on both sides. Founding Chairman of Quilliam Maajid Nawaz believes “China is preparing for war” as tensions between Beijing and the west increase due to a proposed investigation into … But there are those who have questioned America's resolve and in recent years — particularly under former Prime Minister Abe — there has been a push for Japan to reform its pacifist constitution and strengthen its military posture. Former Australian prime minister, China diplomat and now head of the Asia Society think tank, Kevin Rudd, has set out an argument for what he calls "managed strategic competition". President Xi Jinping of China started his New Year with a bang when he instructed the People’s Liberation Army to prepare for battle as the nation faces unprecedented risks and challenges. Xi’s conception of the world is abhorrent and wrong, but Americans do not have the luxury of ignoring him. The problem, he said, was that both China and America had deeply divergent views of regional power and negotiation had not yet truly begun. It's a reflection of an increasingly hostile outlook. “In the post-Cold War world, the most important distinctions among peoples are not ideological, political, or economic,” the late Harvard political scientist wrote. Dave Hodges has been publishing the Common Sense Show since 2012. Racial divisions bring us to Samuel Huntington’s The Clash of Civilizations and the Remaking of World Order. The editorial cautioned America to stay out of China's "core interests". Deng Xiaoping, Mao’s mostly pragmatic successor, counseled China to “hide capabilities, bide time.” Xi, however, believes China’s time has come in part because, he feels, America is in terminal decline. by Kevin Carroll | May 12 ... because in the coming war, China will fiercely contest the sea, air, land, ... 2021. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Access the Common Sense Show Archives anytime via Megaphone on: That article would explain that China wants America to be flooded with illegal aliens. For China’s Communist Party, there is a smell of gunpowder around the world, as Xi is triggering a clash of civilizations — and races. The Common Sense Show is dedicated to peaceful, non-violent social and political change. What we have instead is hawkish talk of war, a military build-up, and Cold War alliances. Mao Zedong, Xi’s hero, saw China leading Africa and the peoples of Asia against the West, so Xi’s notion of global division is nothing new, but Mao’s successors for the most part dropped such racially charged talk as they sought to strengthen their communist state with Western cash and technology. Significantly, Yang Jiechi in Anchorage pointedly mentioned Black Lives Matter protests in his opening remarks on Thursday, continuing China’s race-based attack on America. Rudd concedes this is easier said than done, given "the near complete erosion of trust". More fundamentally, Beijing is, with the gunpowder reference and others, trying to divide the world along racial lines and form a global anti-white coalition. The foreign ministry’s Zhao blamed the U.S. side for exceeding the agreed time limit for opening remarks from Secretary of State Antony Blinken and National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan. Gone is the idea that we don't have to choose. America and allies prefer to commemorate FWorld War I and II victories. What followed was war and retreat in Vietnam, endless conflict in Afghanistan — where the Taliban remains entrenched, the folly of the invasion of Iraq that removed a brutal dictator in Saddam Hussein but left a destabilised, ravaged country ripe for terrorist insurgency like Islamic State, financial crisis, deep social and political division and the upheaval and trauma of the Trump presidency. China's Communist Party mouthpiece Global Times last year warned the US not to "play with fire". Last year, at the 70th anniversary of China's triumph, Xi Jinping warned the Chinese people "the road ahead will not be smooth". Would it risk its interests to defend Australia? And, in seeking to counter China, we excuse the worst aspects of Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modhi. Delhi has brokered its own trilateral arrangement with Moscow and Tokyo in part to assuage Russian concern about the Quad. China even at its most bellicose and belligerent knows war with America would be catastrophic. More fundamentally, Beijing is, with the gunpowder reference and others, trying to divide the world along racial lines and form a global anti-white coalition. The Chinese leader’s visit to the military base comes amid sharp tension between Washington and Beijing over the coronavirus pandemic, trade issues and China’s crackdown on pro-democracy protesters in Hong Kong. Those core interests are the disputed islands of the South China Sea — now claimed and militarised by China — and Taiwan. China’s Communist Party, therefore, is now trying to whip up nationalist sentiment, rallying the Chinese people, perhaps readying them for war. In an editorial titled “China must be militarily and morally prepared for war,” Global Times editor-in-chief Hu Xijin claimed that although the Chinese people do not want war, Beijing’s worsening territorial disputes with other countries, such as India, threaten to disrupt the status quo. China remembers the Korean War while America tries to forget it. PACIFIC OCEAN (Nov. 10, 2015) – The guided-missile destroyer USS Chung-Hoon (DDG 93) fires an SM-2 missile during a live-fire exercise. Furthermore, the race-based narrative appears in a series of recent Communist Party propaganda pieces indirectly portraying China as the protector of Asians in the U.S. For instance, the Global Times on March 18 ran a piece titled “Elite U.S. Groups Accomplices of Crimes Against Asian Americans.”. For all America's economic and military might, it is a deeply damaged nation seeking to recapture its former glory in a world where it meets a rival of enormous and growing strength. But China is already preparing to expand its domestic demand for a possible decoupling. An autocratic figure once banned from entering the US who promotes Hindu nationalism, he is accused of suppressing the votes of Muslims and other minorities and winding back media freedom. THE US military is preparing for a vital war game over the summer - to test its ability to counter numerous threats posed by Russia and China. Sailors from the John C. Stennis Strike Group are participating in a sustainment training exercise (SUSTEX) to prepare … China and Russia ‘preparing for war with West’ Experts warn of military brinkmanship as Trump plans to increase defence spending China’s regime continues to talk about China’s rise, but now Beijing’s propaganda line is shifting in ominous ways. In any war that will likely involve cyber, space, and electromagnetic domains, the allies may also need to make sure their networks, sensors, and platforms are hardened to thwart Chinese attacks targeting their command, control, communications, computers, intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance nodes. The two nations have been better as "friends" than "enemies". He writes: "It accepts that states will continue to seek security by building a balance of power in their favour … The trick in this case is to reduce the risk to both sides as the competition between them unfolds by jointly crafting a limited number of rules of the road that will help prevent war.". That leads to less Chinese casualties. American imperialism came with annexing territory in the Pacific and the Caribbean, claiming places like Hawaii, the Philippines, Guam and American Samoa. They and others must recognize that in Xi’s mind, race defines civilization and civilization is the world’s new dividing line. Blinken and Sullivan overran their allotted four minutes by… 44 seconds. Korea is known as the "forgotten war". china and us prepare for war, nothing here to see – move along. China is becoming more aggressive in tone and actions, while the US is strengthening its regional alliances. The primary purpose of The Common Sense Show is to provide Americans with the tools necessary to reclaim both our individual and national sovereignty. We should not be surprised at China's territorial claims or its aggression. The Quad has been widely praised as an example of a resurgent democratic alliance in Asia. Wang singled out the … Also, and crucially unlike us, China is preparing for the next type of war. And what of India? China’s Communist Party, therefore, is now trying to whip up nationalist sentiment, rallying the Chinese people, perhaps readying them for war. Make no mistake: we are now in a phase of preparation for war. America and China have already fought a trade war; they are waging war in cyberspace and there are red lines that could trigger a full-blown confrontation. There were, in addition to the diplomats’ obviously rehearsed expressions of outrage and Zhao’s incendiary comments, a third element to the campaign: a propaganda blast against policies Beijing said were racist. We acknowledge Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples as the First Australians and Traditional Custodians of the lands where we live, learn, and work. China wants to lead the global recovery from the pandemic and become more influential on the world stage than ever before. The emergence of big powers unsettles the world. The battle of Ch'ongch'on has taken on even more significance as the drum beat sounds louder of another conflict between China and the US. War that was once unthinkable is now improbable — but not impossible. The primary target is America. Listen Now. As Asia Times’ David Goldman wrote time and again, the real challenge for America and Western society vis-à-vis China is in offering a new development system that learns from the strong points of China. This includes the weekly radio show,other interviews and monologues, and the GSRadio archives. Australia has chosen the US. The Blackout War: China, Russia And Iran Building Super-EMP Bombs for ‘Blackout Warfare’ Jack Metir Uncategorized January 13, 2021 January 13, 2021 8 Minutes. Japan has avoided the types of trade bans China has applied to Australia. Chinese military expert Wang Yunfei is urging Beijing to prepare immediately for an attack by U.S. forces in the South China Sea. Scott Morrison has sent a message to China that Australia will not be America's "deputy sheriff" and Canberra won't be making decisions based on a choice between Washington and Beijing, writes Stan Grant.