Horses enclosed in a corral. The left eye. The Journey Inside You. Touch left thumb to index finger...thumb to middle finger...thumb to fourth finger...thumb to pinkie finger...thumb to fourth finger...thumb to middle finger thumb to index finger. The ribs. Listen to your breath 6. Notice the inhale. The whole back. Begin to bring your awareness inwards, to your breath. Guided Savasana script for yoga teachers. Feel the toes on the right foot. Your email address will not be published. Be aware of the heat. Continue to feel your breath. The whole of the left leg. This mediation practice introduces a small exercise that can be practiced at any time during the whole day and is best for the beginners. A flock of black birds in the sky. Mountains in the distance, topped with snow. You are so heavy that you sink into the floor. Guided meditation scripts are helpful tools to use for relaxation purposes. Become aware of that pain. The whole of the front body. Place your right hand on your upper chest and your left hand on your lower abdomen. The thigh. Feel the warm breeze on your cheeks. A warm chair next to the fireplace. An old woman sipping tea. Yoga Nidra, known as yogic sleep, is a beautiful way to help your students experience full mental, physical and … Feel the connection between your body and the floor. Relive any past experience of pleasure, either physical or mental. You are a traveler jumping from place to place in your mind. Make sure that you are warm enough and that your position is one that will be comfortable for the duration of the practice. Guided Meditation Script: Lie down on your back in the most comfortable position you can find. Burning Candle. Let your mind be free to travel, and do not become attached to any one setting or image. Imagine walking barefoot on a slab of ice. These Yoga Nidra scripts will take you to the mysterious borderland state between wakefulness and sleep. Allow your mind to jump immediately to those settings. A farmer. Free Meditation Scripts to Read. The whole of the head. Finish a final cycle of this breath and after the complete exhale, return to the natural breath. Feel your body becoming light, so light it begins to float up off the ground. The shin. A grove of olive trees. Now turn to the feeling of heat. Set an intention 2. The right leg. By maintaining awareness as you relax and your body starts to fall asleep, you can enter deeply profound states of consciousness. The calf muscle. Scan your body and relax any tension. The upper back. The belly. You can make each script yours by adapting the language to suit your style and personality. Physical pain. The right foot. This FREE One-Minute Meditation technique can be done anywhere, anytime to invite a sense of calm and peace into your day. Relax your jaw, and allow your tongue to rest on the roof of your mouth. Meditation Script for Cultivating Abundance. The left leg. The right eyebrow. The sole of the foot. The dark sky illuminated by lightning. Feel this lightness. This yoga sequence uses a guided meditation script to slowly and gently relax the physical body into a restorative sleep. Right big toe...fourth toe...third toe...second toe...pinkie toe. These cookies do not store any personal information. The words will help you remain focused during meditation, so you can aim to stay in the present moment to bring about greater awareness and full consciousness. Be in that moment. Imagine what it smells like. Left big toe...fourth toe...third toe...second toe...pinkie toe. If find you need change direction, you can always come back to a script. Chase the kite and follow it as it travels on its own path through the sky. You can have a closer look at this meditation script and incorporate it as a part of your daily gratitude practice. Use this yoga nidra script at anytime to guide your students through the koshas and into deeper levels of meditation. Let your body sink into the floor. Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. Please help us improve. Cool, dry concrete. Click on the printable PDF on the right to print out the scripts below. Do not get caught up in your thoughts, but just begin to notice them as they travel across your mind. Some scripts can bring about certain sensations in the body. These scripts are written such that it induces stillness, mindfulness ... Daily Meditation: Practice & Benefits Feel the light coming down to your hips, flowing down your legs and into your feet. Total awareness in your breathing. SAMPLE YOGA NIDRA SCRIPT INTRODUCTION It is time for Yoga Nidra. All Rights Reserved. I will begin to describe settings. Pelicans chasing the current over the waves. The repetition will keep your mind focused. Bring awareness to the toes. Feel the belly rise and fall. Left wrist. The right cheek. A tall tree, stretching up to the sky. Oct 14, 2017 - Explore Julie Humphries's board "Yoga centering scripts" on Pinterest. You can make suitable movements now, but once you have adjusted yourself finally, until this session is over the body should not move. (Repeat for the duration of your meditation practice.). Children playing in the distance. Keep your jaw relaxed; slowly open your mouth and silently whisper the word AAAAHHHHH…. All of the cells and tissues of the body are interconnected, held together by connective tissue. Now become aware of the lightness in the body. Concentrate on the feeling of pain, emotional pain. A robin with a worm in its beak. Please make sure your eyes are closed softly, as if you were getting ready to fall asleep. Feel the lightness of the whole body together. Left hand. The hoot of an owl. Every part of the body is light and weightless. Meditation for Self-Love (A Nine-Minute Guided Practice) Suggested props: a bolster, chair, and blanket (optional) First, make yourself comfortable. Do you feel tired, worn-out and exhausted at the end of the day? Then slowly exhale through your nose one-two-three-four. The right eye. If you need help downloading the scripts, check out these helpful tips. Opening Meditation Script. Meditation scripts for kids are one simple and impactful way of introducing the concept of meditation to youth. A seagull flying over the sand. Look down upon it. as you breathe out. Shift and move a little to let your body … Adjust everything - your body, your position, your hair, your clothes - until you are completely comfortable. Listen to the birds singing overhead. For the duration of this meditation there should be no physical movement. Others can train your mind to stay still. A woman pulling water from a well. Meditation Script #1: Ease Tension and Calm Your Mind. Just return your attention back to your breath and begin counting from number one. I begin writing a yoga nidra script for a guided meditation in the hope that those who listen to such meditations might more deeply understand these kinds of invitations. Collection by … Meditation is a wonderful experience and provides an opportunity to draw deeper into your own being. Guided Meditation Script. With each breath say to yourself “I am peace” as you hold the scene before you in your mind’s eye. Imagine a hot, humid day, no wind, the sun beating on your skin. Feel the chest rise and fall. The body is feeling light. Envision your toes attached to your left foot. Right hand. The whole of the front body. Take a moment to imagine that place. Hold this breath for two counts, then let the breath go in a wave from the chest out the belly. Continue soaring through the beautiful, blue sky to your favorite place. Dwell in your lotus heart. Feel the breath coming in through the nostrils and filling the lungs. Become aware of your whole body as a source of light and start to awaken the sensation of lightness throughout your whole body. The middle back. White, puffy clouds. The left cheek. Flickering flame. Adopt meditation as a way of life On the next inhale, feel the belly rise, then the ribs expand and finally the chest lift, coming to the top of the breath below the throat. Feel the belly contract with each exhale. The whole of the left foot. Relax the fingers. It uses guided imagery to maintain focus and is often done right on your yoga mat. Yoga Nidra MP3 Download Link: Nidra "Unwind" is a complete 16 min. Birds singing. The words will help you remain focused during meditation, so you can aim to stay in the present moment to bring about greater awareness and full consciousness. Tap into a sense of unchanging well-being 4. Sit in a comfortable position and give yourself permission to relax and unwind for two to ten minutes. Some will induce total body relaxation. Mudras, Learn hand positions used in Hatha and Kundalini yoga, as well as Buddhist methods. Welcome feelings and emotions 7. As you begin awareness of your breath, start to notice what thoughts are going through your mind. A deep, blue ocean. It's called teach yourself yoga by eve grzybowski. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. Gratitude Meditation by Flourish Yoga. Make any adjustments necessary to your clothing or your body position so that you can maintain perfect stillness throughout the practice of Yoga Nidra. Feel each part of your body, from the toes to the top of the head become heavy. August 26, 2013 August 26, 2013 Nancy Levenson. Find a feeling of heaviness in the body. This relaxation script uses guided imagery and visualization to help return your mind to a peaceful, restful state free of fear after experiencing a nightmare. Your feet are cold. The lower back. Repeat the affirmation, “I am peace,” five to seven times. Find that awareness. Both feet together. The body is completely relaxed. After you have done three to five rounds, remain still for a few more moments, noticing what has changed about the way you feel and observe the sensations and impressions flowing through your body and mind. Guided Meditation Script 1 – 9 Minutes to Calmness Sit in a comfortable Meditation Posture. Begin making larger movements, even stretching. Enjoy seeing it from so high above. The heel. An ocean. Burning candle. Relax the hand. Perfect for general relaxation, and sometimes used as a wind-down visualization after a yoga class. Krista, the founder and mentor of Flourish yoga, dedicated her Canada-based organization to promote awareness for a healthy lifestyle. The forehead. Use accupressure to activate regions of the brain. Both arms together. Fly straight into the rainbow and grab your favorite colors in your hand. 1. Warm sun. A rose garden in full bloom. Lying on your back on your bed, make sure you feel comfortable and your back is supported. Are there any other people there or are you by yourself? Please note that all of our free meditation scripts are for personal use only.You cannot use these scripts to create your own recordings or videos. 3. The crack of thunder. © 2006-2021 LoveToKnow, Corp., except where otherwise noted. Blue, cloudless sky. Turn your attention to your breath and listen to the sound and movement of your everyday breath flowing softly in and out through your nose (if you wish you can close your eyes). Do you want to have more down-time and time to get away from the frantic pace of your life? Both legs together. Imagine sitting in a sauna, warm steam rising and filling the air with heat. Free Consultation: Pockets of Peace Conversation. Enjoy swinging from the trees branches and climbing down its trunk. See more ideas about yoga, meditation, meditation scripts. Longer scripts can be read, listened to, or said with an intention involved. The ankle. The back of the head. The chin. Be aware of that feeling of coldness. And when you are ready, if your eyes are closed, slowly open your eyes and notice what has changed about your mind’s state and the energy of your thoughts. Relax the fingers. Your body is cold. Now move into the experience of pain. Please lie down on your back and prepare for guided savasana. If it is raining or windy, turn your attention to the sounds the elements make when they touch other surfaces. Notice the calmness of your breath, the evenness of your breath. Find that experience of heat all over the body. Get comfortable. From visualization scripts to mindfulness body scan scripts, there exists a variety of meditation techniques we can introduce our children to. The calf muscle. Align with the universal life force 3. Right elbow. The left buttock. Feel the fluidity of the breath. Welcome thoughts and beliefs 8. Then I will pull together these reflections and write and guided meditation script Therapeutic Yoga Meditation for Connective Tissue. Feel the heaviness. Using A Guided Meditation Script for Peace and Tranquility. If you suffer from lower back pain, this can be eased by having your legs resting straight out along the bed and placing a firm pillow underneath your knees, or you can rest the soles of your feet on your bed, knees up. The mind is completely aware. With each breath, keep “looking” at the view, feel the splendour and majestic beauty of the landscape filling you up. Close your eyes and keep them closed until you are advised to open them. Awaken that lightness in each part of the body, from the top of the head to the tips of the toes. Let them go as they pass, and watch them come and go. Use this free guided meditations outline and guided meditation script to experience a deep feeling of peace, tranquility and transcendence. This 3-minute meditation script is appropriate for almost any setting and should not “offend” anyone’s religious sensibilities. Burning candle. The whole back. Right shoulder blade. Find a comfortable posture for meditation (seated on a cushion or blanket, in a chair or against a wall). Relax the whole body. The space in between the eyebrows. What are the benefits of yoga nidra? Make yourself comfortable, with the back flat on the floor. The whole of the right leg. Yoga centering scripts. But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. The shin. Do you feel like you’re always on the go, rushing around in circles, life whizzing by and you can’t think straight? Take a slow, deep inhale and a complete exhale. A stable. The tongue. If you’re looking for a 5 minute soothing guided meditation to use with your children at bedtime, I share the script that works with my boys. This website uses cookies to improve your experience. Place one hand on your belly and one hand on your chest. Relax and feel heavy. The waves crashing on the beach. Then find your personal practice. A gray cat curled on a small rug. When you reach number ten, go back to number one and repeat the practice for two to ten minutes. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. Focus only on the breath. Right upper arm. Now we will begin. Gratitude Meditation For Happiness is another effective gratitude meditation script that works on the purpose of promoting positive emotions in individuals. Right lower arm. Imagine what it looks like. It is best that you remain still during Yoga Nidra so that both your body and The rainbow is beautiful, full of so many colors, so bright and playful. The thigh. Be aware of that pleasure. Notice the left hand. Stay awake and listen to my voice. The hips. These scripts can be adapted to fit your own personality, using language you find comfortable. Make sure not to move. The heel. The benefits of yoga nidra span far beyond stress relief and profound relaxation. The tree offers shade, and the grass offers comfort. The desert. Left shoulder. Begin to soar through the sky toward the rainbow. The white sand. Lie down on the grass and relax under the shade of the tree. A long, dirt road stretching toward the horizon. The whole of the right foot. The lips. Entry. Begin to feel the belly expand with each inhale. Begin to feel the belly rise and fall. This tissue forms an amazing web inside the body. Left shoulder blade. Your bones are cold. On your next breath, slowly breathe in and quietly count “one.”. Feel the heaviness. White dove. The whole body together. Continue counting your breaths up to ten. Now imagine your favorite place. Feel the skin of your forehead and temples relax. Begin to feel the chest rise and fall. Starting at the top of your head, relax your scalp completely. The knee. Let your breath be soft and gentle; don’t change the way you are breathing, just observe the way your breath flows in, around, and through your body. A cool breeze. Now come to notice the breath. You should be lying on your back with the knees slightly bent and supported. Imagine facing the icy wind of winter head-on. Notice how your breath feels, and where it is in your body. Now bring in the feeling of pleasure. Guided meditation scripts are helpful tools to use for relaxation purposes. The whole back. Exhale and relax your jaw, lower your shoulders, lift your chest up, feel your spine lengthening as you allow your neck to float up and be long; smile with your eyes and appreciate how graceful and poised you look; remember you are a pure soul, a divine being walking this Earth. A script can vary in length from a word or phrase to many paragraphs. Turn your attention to your breath and start to notice how you are breathing. Short scripts can become mantras, or words to be repeated again and again, slowly and calmly. A glass of cold lemonade. Notice the exhale. Touch thumb to index finger...thumb to middle finger...thumb to fourth finger...thumb to pinkie finger...thumb to fourth finger...thumb to middle finger...thumb to index finger. Cactus in the desert. Relax the hand. Be hot. Left elbow. Feel the cold. RICHARD MILLER’S 10 STEPS FOR BUILDING A LASTING MEDITATION PRACTICE. A church with tall spires. Meditation for Beginners: How to Meditate for People who Struggle to Sit Still, purposeful calm and focus as you prepare for your day. Author: Samantha Feller, Yoga International. The left eyebrow. Allow the eyes to softly close. If you are looking for meditation scripts to read aloud to a class or client without recording yourself, please click here to visit our free guided meditation scripts page.. On the exhale, the breath leaves the chest, ribs fall, belly contracts. What is yoga nidra? It is a restful place. Left lower arm. A script can vary in length from a word or phrase to many paragraphs. A farmhouse. Birds are singing, and the sunshine is warm and golden. Why wasn't this page useful? The tree is strong and supports you. Speaking these words is a wonderful way to bathe your audience in good vibes and relaxation, so they can open their minds and increase their focus. Blue sky. 9 Guided Meditation Scripts: Short + Long, 10 Restorative Yoga Poses to Release Tension, 10 Best Yoga DVDs You Need in Your Collection, Download the script for feeling sensations, 4 YOGA POSES TO REDUCE HIP AND TUMMY FLAB, 30 SANSKRIT & ENGLISH NAMES FOR YOGA POSES, Poems About Earth to Raise Awareness on Earth Day, 75 Easy Staycation Ideas That Are Cheap But Fun, Recognizing Stress Acne and How to Beat It, How to Naturally Lighten Hair: 6 Easy Methods That Work, 11 Pregnancy Yoga Poses for Comfort & Health, 10 Yoga Poses for Seniors to Do With Ease. The sounds of crickets. Now fly past your favorite place and see a rainbow in the distance. You can read a meditation script during your session, or record it for future use. With the third exhale, begin to feel the breath as a wave coming up from the belly and rising to the top of the breath beneath the throat. In your mind’s eye, start to imagine you are standing in front of an open doorway looking out onto a stunning landscape. Through the simple act of lighting a candle and listening to music, you will … Find joy 9. Use these scripts as a jumping-off point to explore your technique. The left foot. It’s the stuff dreams are made of. But please do not fall asleep. Set your intention and quietly say to yourself the following affirmation: “I give thanks for my health and the joys of living and being alive.”. A hammock. Find a large, leafy tree and begin to descend from the sky to land safely and softly on the tree branches. Before you begin, get into a comfortable position, either seated or lying down. A beach with white sand. The sky is blue and full of white, puffy clouds. Gradually open your eyes and return your hands back to your side. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. Continue with this breath feeling all three parts of the breath and think to yourself, belly, ribs, chest...chest, ribs belly. Practicing meditation for even just a few minutes a day can help with mental clarity, bringing about a feeling of calmness and centeredness. Do you struggle to wake up and start your day feeling energised? The Forest Speaks This guided meditation script takes the listener on a soothing mind journey. Sunset. An old front porch with a swing. In this practice you will visualize your heart as a lotus flower unfolding at … Repeat the mantra I am enough. Now begin to slowly move your fingers and toes, making small movements in small places. Storm clouds. Meditation Techniques Learn the best exercises from Buddhism, Yoga, Taoism, and Hinduism, with scripts for all methods.. Mantras Discover spiritual words and phrases to use in Japa, from Hinduism and Kundalini Yoga. The neck. If you wish you can close your eyes as you meditate. Scripts are perfect for group settings such as yoga classes, meditation classes, retreats, or workshops. Sit in a comfortable position and give yourself permission to relax and unwind for two to ten minutes. Draw your chin slightly down and let the back of your neck lengthen. Gradually, turn your attention to your hands (still resting on your chest and belly) and take a slow steady breath in through your nose for a count of one-two-three-four. Blue sky. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. See how long you can keep going whispering AAAHHHH before you naturally start to breathe in; and on your next exhale, open your mouth a bit wider and quietly say aloud another round of AAAHHHHHHs. If your mind wanders during the practice and you lose concentration, that’s okay. Ntathu Allen. Find awareness of your breath. Allow the light to come down into both arms, hands, and your whole torso. Notice each point that connects your body to the floor. The grass at the base of the tree is green and soft. Guided meditation script for a 3-minute session. Guided Meditation Script with high quality audio and calm music. Feel the complete cycle of the breath. The right foot. Allow the kite to continue on its way, as you continue on your way. Before you begin guided Savasana for your students, take some time to breathe and find the right closing words yoga class. ‎Guided Relaxation and Savasana Scripts for Yoga Teachers … from Close your eyes and begin to relax. Find that sensation of being chilled to the bone. Feel the heat. Spend a few moments listening to all the sounds you can hear in the room. Sit with this feeling of pain. A walled garden. Begin to feel the heaviness of the body sinking into the floor. The sole of the foot. Meditation techniques vary from person to person, but using a guided script for meditation can help demystify the practice and also ease you into regularity. The whole head together. This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. Take a moment right now to check on your posture. Begin to soar into the sky where it is warm and beautiful. The exhale. Lying on the back, arms and all yoga and meditation can be seen as a preparation for death, as the belief in reincarnation also savasana decreases heart rate, blood pressure, muscle tension and general levels of anxiety. The throat. ... Samantha is a content marketing specialist at Yoga International. Be aware of this lightness. They can help us with timing, rhythm, and flow, offering customized approaches depending on the group we’re working with. 35 - 45 minute Yoga Nidra Script adapted from Wahneeta Trotter Please get ready for Yoga Nidra by lying down on your back and making sure that you are perfectly comfortable. Feel the breath exiting through the nostrils as the lungs deflate. The chest. It helps soothe their mind and relax their body enough to help sleep along. Take a gentle breath in through your nose and as you breathe out, tune in to see what is going on in your mind, what thoughts, feelings, and emotions are there bubbling under the surface? and when you are ready, bring your attention back to your hands resting on your chest and belly. The jaw. Allow your eye muscles to release, your jaw to soften, and let … This is a process that I will be unfolding over a five day period of reflection. Fly overhead and see this place from the sky. Mantras can be one word or several words, but they should be short and simple. The ankle. The inhale. Completely submerge yourself in pleasure. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. The right buttock. If it’s comfortable, breathe in and out through your nose; otherwise, breathe with your mouth when needed. Sink into the floor. Repeat this three to five times and each time, allow your AAAHHHHH sound to be longer and go deeper and deeper into your body. Feel your body remaining still and calm. 1. Let your spine rise from the ground of the pelvis. Feel the pleasure. Now find the feeling of being cold. Continue with this wave-like breath, rolling in and up, then counting to two, and rolling out like a tide. Place your palms facing up in jnana mudra(forefinger and thumb touching) with your palms facing up to open your awareness or facing down to calm the mind. The whole of the front body. Lush, green grass. Continue to soar through the sky, finding a colorful kite flying nearby. The body becomes so light that it might float off the floor. Keep your eyes closed, but do not go to sleep. Wildlife Sanctuary This wildlife sanctuary relaxation script is a visualization exercise that guides you to imagine relaxing in a nature sanctuary. Right wrist. Continue with your natural breath, feeling the air enter through your nostrils, then exit through your nostrils. Begin to feel the lightness of the body as you bring awareness to your breath. Right shoulder. Left upper arm. The knee. Listen to your body 5. States of consciousness singing, and watch them come and go, rolling in and out your! Be repeated again and again, slowly and calmly deeper into your own,! Can enter deeply profound states of consciousness are absolutely essential for the website to properly... The landscape filling you up scripts are helpful tools to use for relaxation purposes free One-Minute meditation technique can practiced. Guided imagery to maintain focus and is often done right on your upper chest and belly and repeat practice! Imagine sitting in a comfortable position and give yourself permission to relax and unwind for to! Wind-Down visualization after a yoga class lighting a candle and listening to all sounds. 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